Friday, February 17, 2012

Left has lost its mind

Seems to me that the left is losing its grip on reality. Well, they never did have a very good hold on the facts, but as that realization becomes more and more apparent via the complete and abject failure of their policies, they seem to be undergoing some kind of a meltdown.

Take (please). This is a Web site run by a guy named David Brock, who's had quite an interesting career. I love American Spectator magazine, and Brock used to write for American Spectator. I believe he was the guy -- or one of them -- who broke the story on Bill Clinton's irrational fondness for cocktail waitresses.

Soon after, Brock split with American Spectator and took a very sharp left turn. Or maybe he always was a looney leftist, and only went with the American Spectator because he believed they'd reject him and he'd have something to whine about. Like I knew someone a long time ago -- like the 1970s -- who lived in a very expensive, very white Northshore neighborhood. A black family moved in, lived there for about eight months, and moved out again. Many of the folks in the neighborhood believed the black family had been sent there by someone like Jesse Jackson, believing the mortgage would be denied, or maybe someone would burn a cross on their lawn or something. No trouble, though. Nobody cared. I mean, if you could afford to live there, that kind of gives you an automatic credibility.

Anyway, so maybe that's why David Brock applied to American Spectator in the first place. Since leaving and establishing MediaMatters, Brock has apparently found a supporter in George Soros, who's currently funding Brock's stated efforts to destroy Fox News. And according to a story in some Washington DC newspaper (I want to say the Post, but it's more compatible with the Times), Brock now carries a gun and has bodyguards. He's so terrified some crazy gun-totin', Bible-thumpin' conservative is going to jump him. Or so he hopes?

At any rate, for purpose of this blog, David Brock is Lunatic #1.

Lunatic #2 is Congressperson Maxine Waters, who represents the Watts area of L.A. She delivered a speech a couple days ago where she identified John Boehner and Eric Cantor as "demons."

Waters' schizophrenic inclinations are coming out. Either she's desperate for support and attention or needs to have her medications adjusted.

I find it interesting how she rags on the rich, while her husband is a banker who managed to somehow finagle about $500 million from the Feds under auspices of TARP. So the Waters family are 1%-ers, parading as OWies of a sort. With such an identify conflict, no wonder she's raving, huh?

Then Pazzo Pelosi, Perennial Lunatic, apparently sick of being in the House minority, complained that only church people and religious scholars are upset about the Comrade's efforts to destroy the 1st Amendment and religious freedom in the USA. She would prefer to hear from women.

Well, Pazzo, I'm a woman, and I would much rather have the 1st Amendment than the promise of free contraceptives. I mean, you can get contraceptives anywhere -- or just keep your legs crossed. However, religious freedom and freedom of the press are extremely rare and precious things -- can't put a price tag on those.

And by the way, those in favor of the Comrade's crushing the 1st Amendment also are displaying a sort of uniform psychosis in their talking points. Take the Deb-Bot Wasserman Schultz, AKA Lunatic #3, for example. (Wind her up and she recites White House talking points.) Anyway, she said that birth control pills cost women about $700.00 a year. Yet somehow these same pills are free for insurance companies. Go figure. Just like business owners have secret stores of gold bullion and/or renewable money trees in their yards.

These folks aren't even two-faced, which "schizoid" would imply. Try multiple-personalitied, and with no anchor in reality, since they've rejected anything that resembles logic and rational thought.

No wonder nothing -- and no one -- works anymore.

Save the Republic.

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