Thursday, April 26, 2012

EPA strategy revealed

Briefly -- I've got lots of work to do...

A 2010 video of some EPA bureaucrat turned up. Megyn Kelly ran with it on Fox.

The EPA guy apparently is talking to his foot soldiers or somebody. He said something to the effect:
It's like the Romans would go into these small villages in Turkey. They'd crucify the first five guys they came across. Afterwards, those small villages were easy to manage.
Do believe Jay Carnybarker has already sworn up and down that this is not the Comrade's belief See, Carneybarker says, you only have to listen to how much the Comrade loves us and wants to take care of us all...

Yeah, and I still say, don't listen to a damn thing the Comrade says. But watch what he -- and his expanded EPA -- actually does.

Is it fun being a Turkish villager?

Save the Republic.

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