Monday, April 23, 2012

President unable to connect the dots

Saw the Comrade with Elie Wiesel at the Holocaust Museum this morning. The Comrade gave a speech. Just a few notes on that.

Firat, he talks about hatred and persecution -- apparently referring to the Jews during the Holocaust. It doesn't seem to strike the Comrade that he uses the same tactics as Hitler's propaganda minister, Goebbels, as he [the Comrade] attacks the rich, or apparently anyone who makes a living and doesn't support marxism.

If you're at all familiar with Nazi propaganda, you kow that the Nazis blamed the runaway inflation and general economic failure on the Jews, who the Nazis claimed owned all the weath and were manipulating prices, trade, etc. The Comrade blames George Bush and Wall Street, and wants to punish anyone who makes a decent living for their success.

The Comrade also has announced that if he can't get any legislation through congress, he will continue to work around it, compelling his minions in the executive branch to enact his stupid and destructive policies without congressional review and approval. Hey, ya know what? Hitler had the SS -- Storm Troopers -- to take care of all that.

You can't shove stuff down peoples' throats, Comrade, and expect them to sit and take it. Your only other option to working with congress is to recruit your own little cadre of Storm Troopers. And apparently he did already try this, with Acorn. Remnants of Acorn live on under different names, and apparently still with federal funding. But the Comrade also has Trumpka and the unions -- UAW, SEIU, etc. etc. These thugs have proven that they aren't above violence.

Most recently, and rahter pathetically, the Comrade has trid to "organize" the useless, non-productive, and the homeless into some kind of political action arm -- the Occupy Wall Street types, the OWies.

Laughable, though, because the OWies are people who apparently can't or won't act to support even themselves. They've only served as litter and detritus on the public thoroughfares.

At the Holocaust Museum, the Comrade also spoke about his tireless efforts to do something about Iran and the fanatic muslim threat to Israel.

Well, the Comrade did what he could to support the "Arab Spring," a movement co-opted by the fantatic Muslim Brotherhood, and he handed the "Atomic Iran" issue over to the U.N. Yup, working tirelessly.

The amazing thing is that the Comrade is so blind and self-serving that he doesn't recognize that he's following the path of just about every other authoritarian dictator in human history.

Either he simply doesn't know any history, doesn't understand it, or is so power-hungry he just ignores it.

The Founding Fathers devised the US Constitution to stop people like the Comrade. So if the Comrade feels constrained by and in conflict with it -- that's a very useful hint that he's way over-reaching on his power trip.

Remember in November, and...

Save the Republic.

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