Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Demonizing... salt

A few weeks ago, this Hispanic politician from Brooklyn, NY, was on Fox, saying how since he and his fellow travelers won the battle on banning transfat (?), getting restaurants to put calories on the menu (?), or some other weird kind of nanny-statist intrusion into our personal lives, now he's spearheading the drive against.... salt.

Sorry for profiling, but I'm not being bigoted when I say the guy's a Hispanic. I have no idea where he originiated, but he did have a rather noticeable accent.

My question: Why did he come to the USA? Too much freedom here? We desperately need some blockhead to step in and control our diets?

Asked what business it is of his how much salt anyone eats, he responded with "The government is paying for healthcare now." Not quite yet, pal. There may be a few Supreme Court cases and mucho legislative wrangling before that actually happens.

On the other hand.... Toldya so!! Na-na-na-nana!! Give the government an inch, and they take a lightyear.

Anyway, the FDA or someone, apparently having LOTS of free time on their hands (at taxpayer expense) and just looking for something new to regulate, has hopped on the bandwagon. They're making a list and checking it twice of how many illnesses and disorders can be related to salt consumption to terrify us all. Then when they've convinced us that french fries are silent killers, they'll move into determining just exactly how much salt a citizen really needs in his diet.

'Cause we're all exactly the same, see? We all have the same tastes, the same metabolism, the same requirements for everything in life. It's up to the feds to figure out exactly how much of everything all us cookie-cutter slabs of flesh need to survive, then they'll dole that all out to us in tightly-regulated, approved amounts.

And we should thank them.

So then we'll need a prescription to buy salt? And it will be available only in amounts appropriate to your age, height and body weight?

Actually, the FDA or whomever is targeting food processors on this -- at least for now. Seems they plan to go to Campbell Van Camp and probably Frito Lay and tell them that they can't use salt anymore. Or dictate exactly how much salt they can use. Let's hope the FDA at least hires a chef. Hey, it's an excuse for them to spend more money on stupid projects that no one wants. I'm sure they'll get right on it.

I bought a can of salt-free chicken broth one time to use in making tetrazzini. The dish came out fine, after I dumped about a half-cup of salt into it.

And you know, human beings need salt to live. Just like we need cholesteral. If you don't eat cholesteral, your body manufactures it. And your body just might be manufacturing the "wrong" kind -- the kind that blocks your arteries. Oh my God, what a horror story! Gene-betrayal.

So, anyway, salt is cheap right now. But expect to see the feds laying some ridiculously high tax on it to discourage its use and to help pay off the mind-boggling and unsustainable debt this congress is accumulating.

So begin hoarding now. You'll need to collect enough for your lifetime. Or at least until we can vote these idiots out of office. And keep it a cool, dry place... the salt, that is. The bureaucrats should probably put out to sea on an iceberg.

Save the republic.

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