Thursday, April 8, 2010

Searching for Republican backbone

This is the absolute end. Just read a brief item in American Spectator about how Republicans -- most notably Cornyn from Texas and Mark Kirk from Illinois (who voted for crap-n-tax, so has already proven himself a horse's ass), are back-pedaling on promises to repeal socialized medicine, or to run on that promise in the November elections. It seems they actually like some provisions in the bill and are afraid of looking negative.

Let's face it. These people are total idiots. No better than democrats, really. Tweedle-de-dum and Tweedle-de-dumber.

The Spectator cited a March 31 AP story:
WASHINGTON – Top Republicans are increasingly worried that GOP candidates this fall might be burned by a fire that's roaring through the conservative base: demand for the repeal of President Barack Obama's new health care law.
It's fine to criticize the health law and the way Democrats pushed it through Congress without a single GOP vote, these party leaders say. But focusing on its outright repeal carries two big risks.

Repeal is politically and legally unlikely, and grass-roots activists may feel disillusioned by a failed crusade. More important, say strategists from both parties, a fiercely repeal-the-bill stance might prove far less popular in a general election than in a conservative-dominated GOP primary, especially in states such as Illinois and California....
So exactly what does this mean? That the democrats were right about republican resistance to socilaized medicine -- That the republican no vote was all just a sham, and the republicans don't give any more of a damn about the nation than the Comrade and the merry marxists?

And another question: Do the republicans actually think they have much a chance in California or Illinois? The bastians of socialism and political corruption. In Illinois, the corruption is 1890's style, smoke-filled rooms wheeling-and-dealing; in California, it's wine-and-cheese style... Did you know that in the California State Assembly, they don't do roll-call votes? They count the vote, but don't attribute those votes to the legislators. The legislators have no record, no public accountability.

So I take it all back -- don't support Republicans. They're as stupid and gutless as their opponents. Who knows? Perhaps the republicans understood from the start that the bill would pass with democratic majorities in both houses, so what did it cost them to vote no? Just hedging their bets? Perhaps they really all wanted all this socialist crap from the start, they just didn't want to piss off anyone and maybe lose their jobs. I mean, after all, think of how hard it is to get elected. These people care more about power than about principle.

Maybe this also accounts for -- who was that asshole in congress? -- that republican legislator who stood up and happily kissed Pazzo Pelosi's ass the other day, saying she really is a nice person. What? She do you some favors under your desk, or what?

Hey Pal, we all know Pazzo. You don't want to be tarred with that brush.

Hey you stupid republicans: Ever think your "advisors" might be working for the other side? Look at the polls. The Tea Party is made up 40% of democrats and independents, and that means it's 60% republican. They're the most dedicated and vocal force in politics today.

Are you going to slap them across the face, too?

Then what the hell good are you?

And then what options are left for us citizens, except revolution?

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