Sunday, April 18, 2010

Liberals all astir as April 19 approaches

For the last couple of days, starting with some totally irresponsible remarks Bill (can't-keep-it-zipped) Clinton -- balancing Ben Franklin spectacles on the end of his bulbous nose -- made about the bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City, the liberals have been twisting their panties all in a bunch over their manufactured fear of some violence from the right. The Murrah buildng was blown up on April 19, 1995. Clinton implies that it was angry words that drove Tim McVeigh and friends to blow up the Murrah buildng.

No. Really, it wasn't angry words.

I've never seen or read McVeigh's confession, but what I've heard about it is that he did the bombing -- and more specifically did the bombing on April 19, 1995 -- in response to the FBI and ATF assaults on the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, which killed many in that group, and which ended in flames on April 19, 1993. Seems Clinton has forgotten how badly he and his blockhead Attorney General, Janet Reno, bungled the whole Branch Davidian situation.

The Branch Davidians had been a rather strange and fringe-like religious group that practiced a number of questionable things, but they were never a threat to anyone until the FBI and ATF -- in black masks and jack boots -- tried to knock down their front door. Eventually, after a seige that lasted several months, the FBI and ATF burned down the Branch Davidian complex, frying everyone who was still inside. I think that was close to 70 people, many of them women and children.

Nice going, Bill and Janet! If I was you, I'd try to forget that part, too.

McVeigh apparently also referenced an incident that was known as Ruby Ridge, where a guy named Randy something refused to become an informer for the FBI. Randy was also religious, but he'd actually refused to join what the FBI suspected was a militant group; the FBI wanted Randy to attend the meetings and rat everyone out. Randy refused. So the FBI framed him on a minor gun violation, then while trying to arrest him, an FBI sniper missed his target (we hope) and killed Randy's wife and an infant child. According to the government, this was all Randy's fault, of course, because he wasn't willing to just go along with the FBI's program.

These actual events had more to do with Tim McVeigh's bombing the Murrah building than did any angry words.

So Bill (can't-keep-it-zipped) Clinton's real message seems to be: Just shut up and comply and everything will be fine.

And what's funny is, as a Tea Party sympathizer, I've actually been more inclined to meditate on mid-April being the beginning and end of the Civil War and marking the assassination of Abe Lincoln, than pondering Waco, Ruby Ridge, or Tim McVeigh.

Liberals just don't get it. The Tea Party is all about restoring the USA, not destroying it. Rather, it appears that in some part of the liberals' fevered and twisted little brains they're aware of how badly they're screwing the American public and they apparently expect some kind of violent retribution as their due.

Liberals are, after all, hag-ridden by neurotic guilt. They seem to be able to paste any name they want on that guilt -- their own latent racism, their own proclivity to cheat on their taxes and swindle their trading partners, their own willingness to kill and maim in order to gain political control... Apparently this is what drives them, so they assume it's what drives everyone else.

But their accusations are, frankly, quite insulting.

And just pointng out, there hasn't been a Waco or a Ruby Ridge since Tim McVeigh blew up the Murrah building. So in one way, maybe it worked.

Apparently the liberals recognized that unfortunate event as setting a limit upon their power hungry over-reaching. They're over-reaching again, so naturally, they're expecting the same kind of thing. And maybe they do deserve it. They seem to suspect that they do, else why fixate on it?

On the other hand, the Tea Parties have shown themselves to be quite a bit more superior morally and ethically than either the liberals or Tim McVeigh.

But, yeah, maybe the liberals better quit working so hard to enslave us all before someone goes off. And this would probably be a liberal disgusing himself as a conservative. I mean, remember the Reichstag Fire. And more recently, that loonie government employee who put up the web site advising socialists everywhere to participate in the Tea Parties and try to start something.

Looks to me like the violence comes mainly from the left, not the right. But there is a spirit and underlying principles in the USA that dictate that a reasonable and responsibile citizen can only shut up and put up for so long.

Liberals really are so pathetic.

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