Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The president should resign

Very interesting last couple of days.

Apparntly the Comrade, Harry Reid, and Pazzo Pelosi are really counting on the bogus votes from illegal aliens, be they murderers, theives, drug traffickers, white slavers or whatever.

Hell, those three clowns just forced through congress a massively expensively bill that will bankrupt the US just to provide free health care to anyone who can swim across the Rio Grande. That's their voter base, apparently -- non-citizens. Surely no one who can actually speak English and who understands anything but "gimme," would vote for these fools.

So Arizona passed a bill that says they'll deport anyone they find to be illegals. The illegals call it profiling. The police will be stopping Mexicans who look suspicious. Well, gee, who else might be sneaking across the border with Mexico, carrying drugs and weapons, shooting ranchers, etc etc. The feds won't defend the border because the dems want the votes. They're inviting illegals -- dangling all kinds of freebies, like free major surgery -- to attract them. So Arizona is sick of the drug trafficking, kidnappings, and home invastions, and tried to act like responsible citizens to preserve their corner of nation.

Then the illegals go wild! What is it, now four days of what looks kinda like riots in Phoenix. Vandalizing public buildings, throwing rocks and bottles at the cops, running like frigging maniacs through the streets.

Hey, you know, based on these "demonstrations," I don't want these people in the country, either. They're showing us why they don't belong in civilized society.

And the Comrade? Didn't he call upon them to rise up and continue to vote for him, or something like that? Yeah. His constituency:  the worthless, the unmannered, the unemployed looking for free handouts for themselves and their families.

And heaven knows, other liberals are all ablaze with cries of injustice and whatever.

You know what, illegals have no claim to the protections provided by US law. They're... well, illegal. They aren't citizens. They've ruined their own country, now they want to ruin ours.

But hey, as far the Comrade, Reid, and Pelosi are concerned -- this is their voter base, the people they cater to.

So, tell me again what a threat the Tea Party protesters are. If I could watch Chris Mathews without puking, or Keith Olberman, it would be interesting to see how they twist this.

And the Comrade -- my God, what a disaster. He'd done nothing so far but nationalize industries and inspire and promote class warfare -- including inventing the classes. Divide the nation, getting us all hating each other and hating the government.

The mother fucker needs to resign while there's still something left. He's not only completely incompetent, but hell-bent on destroying America. However, I'm quite sure the son of a bitch has neither the honor nor sufficient respect for the USA to do the right thing.

Save the republic.

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