Friday, April 23, 2010

Surprise! Socialized medicine already increasing costs

I'm shocked! Shocked!

Health and Human Services, or whatever that nasty meddling fed bureaucracy is called, has reviewed the socialized medicine legislation just passed, and has concluded that it will cost $311 BILLION more than congress admitted to. So far... Maybe they've only read halfway through it.

I wonder, too, if they're calculating the cost of the salaries, benefits, and pensions of those 16,500 IRS henchmen that will be hired to make sure citizens are actually swallowing the crap they're shoving down our throats... And/or the salaries, benefits, and pensions of all of those who will populate the 150 or so additional agencies and bureaucracies who will occupy federal jobs otherwise related to shoving this crap down our throats.

Anyone actually surprised that socialized medicine ALREADY costs billions of dollars more than stated? And the legislation isn't even in operation yet.

Wait, I promise you -- there's a whole lot more coming.

I can't afford it. The feds have priced health insurance out of the market. Put me in jail, buttheads. I'm sick of working for the man already anyway.


I'm an American history buff, and I'm especially interested in the Civil War. I don't dress up or anything, but I've gone to re-enactments, and I have absolutely no idea how many battlefields I've visited.

I love Gettysburg. It's very cool because the way it's laid out, Gettysburg is almost a textbook for military tactics. It's also very pretty in some places, and very peaceful -- now. If you have as much imagination as I do, you hear the cannons roar, picture the fields covered in smoke and blood, appreciate the truly foolish valor and determination of both sides engaged.

So next year, 2011, is the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War. I've heard the National Park Service invited a marxist communist to speak there next year.

Dear God. Ruin that for me too.

Save the republic.

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