Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bait'n'switch on debt ceiling bill

Well, it seems since House Speaker John Boehner and the House got a debt ceiling bill through, it's really the only game in town in terms of reducing the debt, staving off default, and restoring the USA's credit rating.

The bill in question was tabled in the Senate without any consideration whatsoever, and it seems the strategy to move forward is pretty dodgy and disgusting. But just about what you'd expect from the reprobates in congress.

See, Brain-dead Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, also introduced a bill that's pretty much a piece of crap, It has only phoney spending cuts in it, no enforcement of said "cuts," and raises the debt ceiling so high, the issue won't have to be revisited until after the 2012 election. He doesn't have the votes in the Senate to pass this piece of crap legislation and it certainly wouldn't make it through the House.

Apparently Brain-dead Harry's bill was devised solely for the purpose of getting the Comrade and the merry marxists re-elected without putting on pulic parade (again) all the underhanded lying and deception, irresponsible spending and generally dictatorial and nation-killing polices of the dems. Brain-dead's bill raises the debt ceiling by $2.4 TRILLION, which the dope believes will be good enough to cover USA profligate spending until 2013.

Anyway, Brain-dead Harry's strategy seems to be to take the House bill that's in the Senate now, slice it open like a codfish, empty out all the guts, and stuff it full of the unacceptable bullshit that's in Brain-dead Harry's bill. Then send it back to the House for "reconciliation."

Bait'n'switch, dontcha know. That's when you're lured into a deal by a great, high-quality product, but what you get is a cheap knock-off that doesn't work. It's something con artists do, and it's a crime -- unless you're in the U.S. Senate and believe you're above the law.

Totally disgusting. And does Brain-dead and his little comrades -- and big Comrade -- think the American people aren't going to notice this foul maneuver and won't object? Where have they been for the last few years?

I don't know. They pull these cheap tricks right in front of us and expect no one will notice. Theylie straight-faced and NBC, ABC, and CBS simply pass along the lies. I mean, who the hell do the people think they're dealing with?

I could make a few suggestions about how to handle this whole situation, but then I'd probably be arrested. And these turds aren't worth me spending time in jail. I'll be happy simply thnking of them roasting on spit over a large bonfire in hell.

Well, Brain-dead Harry, go on ahead and play your stupid and treasonous games. And see what good it will get you. You'll go down in history as the man greased the skids for the collapse of the greatest nation that ever existed. 'Course what the hell do you care about things like that? Simply over your head.

Save the Republic.

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