Monday, July 18, 2011

Soulmates: Casey & the Comrade

Had an extended power outage due to some kind of storm called a "deroche," as oppsed to "Derocher," which was a different Chicago phenomenon. Anyway, it was a very powerful straight-line wind that knocked down trees and power lines. No electricity for a week. So I got a little taste of what life will be like when the EPA gets done with us. 

So listened to my Walkman, which is the only device I had that was working, and listened to quite a few news and talk shows -- all of them about 1.) Casey Anthony and; 2.) the debt ceiling stand-off. Two issues that really have a lot in common.

First of all, consider Casey Anthony, the young unmarried mother in Florida who apparently killed her little girl somehow and got away with it. Casey was 19 years old when she got pregnant. She never told anyone she was pregnant. When she was seven months pregnant, a relative asked if Casey was pregnant. Casey's mother, Cindy, supposedly a nurse, said, "No. She's just retaining water." Lots and lots of water. Then later, "No, not pregnant. She has a tumor." Casey herself wouldn't admit to being pregnant.

Imagine her surprise, then, when Caylee was born. Or maybe the family just found the little girl under a cabbage leaf. Who knows? Casey doesn't seem to know who the father is. Of course, no baby, no father, either, right?

So maybe in Casey's own befuddled imagination, when her baby, Caylee, at three years old, disappeared, Casey perhaps believed she was merely awakening from some kind of disturbing dream. "Oh, Caylee's gone? Well, she was never really here in the first place."

So naturally, Casey didn't report the baby missing for more than a month. Then she told police investigators several pointless lies about the baby's whereabouts. Pointless lies because the police, of course, checked them out. I mean, did Casey really think people would accept her fairy tales above the facts of reality?

Starting to see what makes Casey so much like the Comrade? Two peas in a pod, no? Narcissists in arms, strewing lies as they go like rose petals.

Actually, it seems Casey drove the baby's body, wrapped in duct tape and several garbage bags -- around in the back of her car for a couple days under the Florida summer sun, until the scent of decaying flesh became overwhelming. Then Casey dumped the body in a swamp, where it was not discovered for another five months or so -- by that time nothing more than skeletal remains.

To date, no one knows exactly how Caylee died, although the coroner noted wryly, "Usually when we see duct tape and garbage bags, it's not a natural death." 

But, according to Casey, she had nothing to do with this. It was someone else's fault. In fact, Casey several times made up people to hold responsible for the baby's disappearance, like "Zanny the Nanny," who Casey said held her down and kidnapped Baby Caylee. There was no Zanny the Nanny, unless, as one investigator hired by the Anthony family suggested, Zanny the Nany was Casey-speak for "Xanny-the-nanny." Like, Xanex is a tranquillizer that Casey may/may not have used more than once to shut the kid up so Casey could party unhampered by any adult responsibilities.

Casey lied to everyone about graduating from high school -- right up to Commencement, no one knew she'd flunked out. She did have a job for a short time, until she just stopped showing up when she was pregnant. Apparently she never officially resigned, though her employer took her off the payroll.

Three years after she left her job, she told the police that she still had that job, even brought them to the job site, where she finally admitted, "I really don't work here anymore."

But surrounded by press during the six months of her baby's disappearance, Casey did consider maybe going on the Howard Stern radio show, and pondered that maybe Howard would ask about her boobs. She does like being in the spotlight. And apparently all she has going for her is her boobs. She certainly doesn't seem to have much inside her head.

So what has this got to do with the debt ceiling thing?

We hear from the Comrade and the merry marxists that they never had anything to do with the national debt and/or deficit. The democrats were apparently all helping elderly people cross busy streets when the Evil George W (twirling his mustachios) went on some mad rampage and busted the economy.

The democrats are blameless. Like Casey Anthony.

Now the dems want to tax the rich to make up a 44% shortfall between national income and national outgo. This amounts to trillions of dollars.

Tell me, does any private, tax-paying citizen in the USA, including Bill Gates and George Soros, actually have even ONE lousy little trillion dollars? So if you take ALL their money, it wouldn't make much of a dent in the national debt. What it will accomplish -- what it has acoomplished so far at corporations like GE -- is to send US industry and capital overseas. Somehow this doesn't look to me like a useful way to raise revenue the same way something like, I don't know, "growing the economy" might raise revenue. But that's just my own opinion.

In fact, the whole "tax the rich" suggestion is entirely irrelevant to the debt ceiling problem. It's the Comrade telling lies and leading people on a time-wasting and non-productive goose chase. Like Casey and the police. The Comrade clinging to his fondest delusion -- that of class warfare.

Hey, fool, where you from? We've never had class warfare in America. Rather, we've done everything possible to ensure the fluidity and accessibility of all people to all classes -- and people can and have moved up the ladder of success as well as down. Believe me. I've seen social classes "on the hoof" in Europe, and we don't have them here. Not even union bosses qualify, not even "fat cats." I mean, the executives at Enron were prosecuted, weren't they? Bernie Madoff is in Attica or someplace, isn't he? If these fat cats constituted a "class," their conduct would not be questioned.

But now the democrats somehow feel it's entirely the responsibility of the Republicans to bail out their debt-riddled asses. The Republicans have come up with several plans -- all rejected by the democrats, and one or two rejected even by Republicans.

And the truth is, the USA can meet its debt obligations to bondholders and pay off Social Security and other "essential" obligations -- but to do so would require cutting things like grants for studying shrimp on treadmills -- deemed "essential" by the Comrade and pals -- or the useless and destructive EPA, which the Comrade uses to convey his diktats when he can't get the legislation he wants from congress.

Let's face it, the Comrade won't cut. He's just postponing the impending disaster until he's certain it will be an irredeemable disaster, the last nail in the coffin of free market capitalism. Like, he proposed cutting $4 TRILLION over the next 10 years or so -- but refuses to say exactly what he'll cut. Certainly not his "Beast" limo and million-dollar vacations. Certainly not Obamacare -- socialized medicine -- which will surely bankrup the nation completely.

I suspect one day in mid-September, someone will get a nasty whiff of the rotting corpse of the US economy in the luggage compartment of Air Force One. But will the Comrade be held accountable for it? Surely not. They "meant well," which in their particular ethical fantasyland is the equivalent of producing positive results.

The Comrade lives in some adolescent dream world like Casey Anthony. The way the Comrade sees it, the Republicans will somehow fix everything for him so he'll get re-elected -- or at least he'll be able to blame the Republicans if the economy continues to fail. And perhaps in his second term, he'll be crowned King of the World. Kind of like Casey fantasizing about Howard Stern teasing her about her boobs.

I suppose it could happen, I mean the Republicans hammering out a solution that would get the Comrade re-elected. After all, wasn't it Newt Gingrich and the Republican majority in the 1990s that got Can't-keep-it-zipped Bill Clinton re-elected? Left on his own gluttonous and self-destructive course, Clinton would have bankrupted the USA even while the Comrade was still voting "present" in the Illinois State Assembly.

I mean, Casey Anthony was acquitted and is now free to begin a career in the porn industry, which I understand has extended her several lucrative offers. I'm sure lots of perverts would pay to see her boobs. And her tattoo.

Similarly, I'm sure the Comrade will be able to scounge up some votes from unemployed union members in 2012. But acquitted? I mean, re-elected? I doubt it.

American citizens know better than that.

Save the Republic.

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