Friday, July 8, 2011

Save $8B worth of ugly economic fat - eliminate the US EPA

Well, the EPA is still at it, sitting up all night dreaming up ways to destroy human life in the United States. I was just at its Web site, looking to see what its total budget is. And I gotta say -- they're coming down real hard on American Indians with a bunch of proposed programs to further harrass and interfere with their lives. Don't know why. Maybe the EPA is hoping to exhume and mummify the Indian in that one commercial, where a tear very slowly rolled down his face. Iron Eyes Cody? He seemed so noble, didn't he?

But no... more likely the EPA just wants all Americans to live in hogans made from tree bark, burn buffalo chips for fuel, and eat whatever roots we can find in the wild... along with the semi-rotted carcasses of animals we don't kill and just trip over in the ancient forests.

Sound like a plan? Apparently it makes a whole lot of sense to the tree-huggers at the EPA. The EPA continues to "crack down" on coal production. FYI, 47% of all electricity in the USA is generated by coal. So make it expensive and/or unavailable -- like Gulf or ANWR oil -- and you can collapse the US economy even before Comrade Osama is kicked out of office next year.

Simultaneously, the Comrade is doing closed door deals with congressional leaders from both sides of the aisle to try to find some kind of "compromise" on the debt ceiling. Why closed door? Does Comrade Osama think that we, the American public, will not find out what kind of slimy dirty deals he's cutting? We live with this b.s. every day, dudes. No secrets. We pay for all your crap, remember? We get the bill. And we're beginning to review pretty closely, too.

Whatever happened to democracy in America? Huh, Comrade? Think we don't notice? Think you're somehow smarter than us? You're dealing with a very wily population -- wily, shrewd, innovative, very cunning. You can't out-fox us. You know the old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." We're on to you now.

After the last two hell years, there is not one damn thing you can do to get yourself re-elected. No one with any braims listens to the networks anymore.

But back to the debt celing thing, appropos of the US EPA.

Let's face it. The EPA has outlived its usefulness. For one thing, the USA is pretty vast, and the geography, economies, social organization varies widely across the country. It isn't really possible to devise regulations that are useful and appropriate for the whole nation. As demonstrated by the EPA's shortsighted and destructuve policies to date.

Far as I know, every state has an EPA. Let the states take care of their own smog, logging, and strip mining issues. The feds have no useful role to play and apparently they don't really bother about getting any real information about what they're doing. They have some utopian view where we're all standing on a hilltop, holding hands and kowtowing to owls and such.

And I did find out about the EPA's budget -- or at least as much of it as they're willing to report. It was $10.3 billion in 2010, and they requested $8.7 billion for this year. And only God knows what they actually spent.

So let's elminate the EPA.  If they're bullying Indians now, obviously they've exhausted their interest in clean air and water -- and clean air and water is better handled locally, anyway. And if we get rid of the EPA, think of it -- maybe we could actually resume domestic production of the fuel we need to run the USA -- use our own resources instead of fiddling with the messy politics of the Middle East and Central America and wasting mucho bucks to terrorize 6th graders with doomsday scenarios about the fate of "endangered" insects.

So... save at least $8 billion and free up our own natural resouces... all in one little move... shutting down the EPA.

Simple. And it will have much more positive impacts than taxing the jet fuel used in private planes used by millionaires. By the way, Comrade, did you run that one by Pazzo Pelosi?

Save the Republic.

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