Friday, July 29, 2011

Exactly where is "Planet Reid"?

Weird day in politics today.

It started out with Chuckelhead Schumer, Brain-Dead Reid, Dickhead Durbin and others in press conferences, bacially crowing and hectoring John Boehner, because Boehner's Second debt ceiling bill hadn't got through the House yet. Boehner was having a hard time lining up votes behind it -- the Tea Party reps stood their ground and wanted to attach a Constitutional amendment to the bill calling for a balanced budget for the federal government.

I might add, among all voters, a Balanced Budget Amendment polls with about a 70% approval rating. That proposal has a higher approval rating than any member of congress. Just so you know.

But the dem gang from the Senate continued insisting this was so "extremist" that not even the Republicans in the House would vote for it. They kind of reminded me of, you know, in gangster movies, like "Goodfellas," where the gang stands around a guy on the ground and keeps kicking him. That's the visual Schumer, Reid, and Durbin presented. Not pretty.

As it turns out, however, Boehner got the bill passed in the House with a few votes to spare. And then it went to the Senate.

Brain-Dead Harry wanted to table it, just like he tabled the earlier TWO House budget bills, and guess what? Ol' Brain-Dead didn't have the 60 votes he needed to kill the bill in the Senate.

About this time I was rolling on the floor laughing, coffee shooting out my nose.

So Ol' Brain-Dead did what he usually does when he's losing -- he changed the rules of the game. Can't get a two-thirds majority? Well, then change the rules to a simple majority, that is 51 votes. He did get that and House bill was tabled.

Don't you wish, when your team's down 6-5, that suddenly you could count "reaching second base" as a home run? The Senate really is a mess, ain't it? No wonder they all have such a hard time with reality.

So now what? Turns out, Ol' Brain-Dead did submit his own debt ceiling bill about a week ago. It's all crap. No real spending cuts in it at all -- just things like, "Hey, let's agree NOT to launch free trips to the moon for every illegal alien under 18." See, by NOT passing that legislation, see how much money Brain-Dead's bill saves?

Not quite a cut, but Brain-Dead has demonstrated repeatedly that he doesn't know how to count to 10, or to 60, for that matter. And guess what, Brain-Dead doesn't have the votes in the Senate to even pass that lame and uselss proposal.

And I can't seriously imagine it would go anywhere in the House.

Meahwhile, the Comrade got his little face on TV today, early, also whining about extremists and all that kinda useless crap. Apparently he also promised a bunch of tree-huggers that he will continue to do his best to anihilate whatever remains of the American auto industry.

Didn't I say months -- if not years -- ago that the Comrade is so far out of the mainstream that he was making himself irrelevant to the political system? He's about reached that destination -- Planet Reid.

So -- to cap this all off with a good laugh.... Ol' Brain-Dead doesn't have the votes to get his own stupid debt ceiling measure through the Senate. So, in his usual fashion, he declared that the Republicans are "filibustering" the Senate.

The Republicans don't really have enough people in the Senate to do a filibuster. If they did, I think the Republican bill from the House would still be on the floor.

Kinda makes you wonder, again, about exactly how many marbles Ol' Brain-Dead Reid has lost over recent weeks. OK, this is how you get to Planet Reid: close your eyes and pretend you're surrounded by supportive voters who believe anything you say. Or picture an SEIU meeting.

Save the Republic.

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