Monday, July 11, 2011

Presidential approval hits new low

Some interesting poll results from Rasmussen Reports on Sunday. Rasmussen has a daily (I believe) "Presidential Tracking Poll," and the numbers for Sunday, July 10, hit the lowest they've ever been. For example:
  • 21% Strongly Approve of the Comrade
  • 40% Strongly Disapprove of the Comrade
  • 72% Favor Free Market economics over whatever it is the Comrade is pushing
  • 55% Believe spending cuts will help the economy
  • 54% Believe tax increases will hurt the economy
The Comrade has called for, apparently, a whole bunch of meetings with congressional leaders to discuss the economy and figure out a budget. The Comrade favors a plan that supposedly cuts spending by $4 TRILLION over 10 to 12 years, but also raises taxes. (Question, if you cut spending so severely, why raise taxes? There should be plenty of money to go around.) Republicans, lead by John Boehner, Speaker of the House, prefer a plan that cuts $2 TRILLION in spending over the next couple years with no increase in taxes.

On Saturday, Boehner walked out of a meeting at the White House, reportedly in the belief that it's useless to whip a dead horse (the Comrade and merry marxists). They supposedly had a big meeting on Sunday as well, which lasted a little over one hour, just long enough to schedule another meeting for Monday. And the Republicans didn't change their position or talk to the press.

The whole problem is the debt ceiling, dontcha know. Apparently the USA is going to run out of money on August 2, and we have something like a $29 BILLION interest payment due that day. Yet the government can't borrow any more money unless and until Congress authorizes it.

So Congress, in effect, is cutting up the Comrade's credit card. Or trying to.

The Comrade whines that babies will die and youth will not be educated if he can't borrow any more money. And though the plan he favors supposedly cuts $4 TRILLION -- I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. It's scheduled to unfold over a decade, and by that time, no one will even remember this whole debacle, and the socialist-leaning in DC will be running up even bigger debt. Like socialized medicine is rearing its ugly head just a couple years down the road -- after the Comrade leaves office, and probably the country, too, if he wants to get health care.

Meanwhile, the cartoon (networks, Huffington Post, et. al.) media paints Boehner, McConnell and Eric Cantor -- who are all particpating in the so-called "high-level" talks, as being overly influenced by "extreme rightists," that is, the Tea Party. In other words, the great mass of people who elected them.

And the Comrade is threatening to shut down the National Weather Bureau and default on Social Security payments if the Republicans don't let him raise taxes. Or maybe fall on the floor, kicking and holding his breath until he turns blue. That will show us!

Go ahead, Comrade, but I suggest you station some Marines around the White House. As I said, you ain't fooling nobody, dude. We're on to you. He says he's going for a "balanced" approach. But we all know where his head is at. To him, "balance" is him sitting on the high end of the teeter-totter. But the rest of us are holding him up from the other end... he forgets that part.

So I started out with Rasmussen, and I'll end with a quote from his book, In Search of Self-Governance. He notes, "The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians who want to rule over them may be as big today as the gap between the colonies and England during the 18th  century." And: "The American people don't want to be governed from the left, the right, or the center. They want to govern themselves."

Stand pat, Boehner, McConnell, and Cantor.

Save the Republic.

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