Monday, September 19, 2011

Dems, like lemmings, heading over the cliff

Well, let's see which socialist dem shot himself in the foot today. Oh, it was the Comrade.

I didn't hear his speech, if he gave a speech. I know he did in some way unveil his "plan" to pay for all the additional spending he wants to do. No secret. That has been leaked for at least a week now.

Apparently the Comrade's suggestion will be called the "Buffet Tax." Jimmy Buffet? "But I know, it's my own damn fault." No, that can't be it.

More like Warren Buffet. The millionnaire who apparently wants to be sure that no one else in the USA ever makes the kind of money he's made. Or who's been rich for so long, he forgot how he made his money.

You know, Warren, if you think you don't pay enough in taxes, you can just write the feds a check. Two more things -- Warren Buffet has left his estate to the Bill Gates Foundation -- not the feds -- and his company, Berkley Hathaway, owes the feds about $1 billion in back taxes and it's fighting the action in court.

So much for the typical hypocrisy associated with centralized-state lovers. That is, lots and lots of rules should be made and taxes levied on the little money-grubbing peons, but those rules should never apply to the anointed ones who make the rules. They're god-like and float somewhere in a kind of divine stratosphere about 50,000 feet above the earth, no?

On the plus side, no one but Warren Buffet appears to be taking the Comrade or his proposal very seriously. Everyone knows it's going to be killed in congress -- even a dem-controlled congress isn't suicidal enough to push this crap through. They had the chance when Pazzo Pelosi was Speaker and it didn't pass then.

The Comrade counts on seeing the bill fail, then he'll blame Republicans for a ruined economy.

And he blames -- over and over and over again -- politicians who only want to be re-elected and are willing to sacrifice the nation for there own ambition.

He's the chief person who's doing that. We all know it. We all know this is just a political ploy, a rather desperate -- and rather stupid -- last-ditch effort to not accept any blame for having a more destructive impact on the USA than the Islamo-terrorists.

And somewhat related to the death wish and to Islamo-terrorists, have you noticed how the more fanatic socialists are getting increasingly more self-destructive? Look at Paul Krugman. After his diatribe against the USA on 9/11, he no doubt will have to hire body guards if he intends to go outside in New York City. I suspect he doesn't go out much anyway. If he was truly engaged with reality, he couldn't possibly believe the crap he believes in.

I suppose they're all depressed. Not because they'll lose the 2012 election, but because their stupid policies actually have been implemented and have not only failed, but made things much, much worse.

Must say, keep it up folks! I'll be the one in the red dress, dancing an Irish jig, at your funerals.

Save the Republic.

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