Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dems say "We don't need no stinkin' voters"

A couple of democrats have made some interesting statements over the last couple days or so. It seems they're getting to really dislike democracy in general, that is, letting other people beside themselves engage in the process of government decision-making.

Let's start with the governess of North Carolina, Beverly Perdue. Believe it was yesterday she was giving a speech somewhere and suggested that the US suspend the next congressional election for a couple of years so that congress could get something done without the pressure of having to answer to voters -- or rather run for re-election. She added she thought this is a discussion the nation should have.

And last week apparently Perer Orszag, former Director of the Congresssional Budget Office, appointed by the Comrade, now shuffling papers at CitiBank or some other failed-and-bailed financial institution, noted that he believes the USA would be better off if we demoted congress to the status of historical artifact and just let federal bureaucrats make all the decisions.

Since removing her foot from her mouth, Governess Perdue has apparently spent all of her time explaining that she was only joking.

Yeah. We get it. Ha. Ha. But don't mess with my democracy, blockhead, know what I mean?

Orszag seems to be just purely an idiot. Or a power-mad sociopath. Take your pick. His remarks were well thought out and may have even been written down. So he's a fascist on purpose. Or you might even say, on a mission.

And both of these blockheads are democrats.

Yeah, running the USA is lots of fun when you have the support of both houses and the White House and can just ignore the population, isn't it? Whoopee! Hey, let's declare a whopping big tax increase!!

Hey! Get the neighbors out here... Want the feds to dig you a swimming pool, Jake? I can get you the money! Hell, I can get you a high-toned, certified union crew out here to get that taken care of while we still got the warm weather! Aren't you glad you voted for me? Aren't you going to vote for me again? Whoa, but heck, we give up on that silly democracy thing... so I guess I'll just hold this office for the rest of my natcherl life! Screw the voters! They got nothin to say about it anymore!

And while we're at it, why not compel every US citizen to buy an electric car? I mean, hey, it's "good for them." They're just too stoopid too figure that out on their own.

So it may be that Peter Orszag was the guy who claimed socialized medicine would "save money." The way he calculated that was to leave the pay for doctors and other health care workers out of the legislation. Hey, the CBO doesn't write the bills. We just add up the numbers they give us.

While we're at it, I think every citizen should have their own private wind turbine. Wouldn't you like that? Snap! It's yours!! Now you can spend the rest of your life trying to get it to work... in your spare time, when you're not trying to figure out how to pay for it.

And we're taking away your guns. Snap! Just sign my little name on the dotted line here. Done! Now only criminals will be armed! Now you'll be safe and sound for sure, according to my fantasy version of The Way Life Should Be.

Here, Pazzo, here's $7 billion for your brother-in-law, who's been paving the desert with solar panels. Good job! Hey! Just keep those taxpayers dollars going to to your friends and family! I'm sure you've still got people on the take in Maryland. Don't forget them! We may need them to harass a few corporate CEOs. The voters, American citizens, don't need to know what we're doing! Uselss little peons, anyway. We can squash them like bugs! With one stroke of the pen!

And while we're at it, let's just draw up an executive order to do away with that troublesome Bill of Rights thing. Who needs that? Certainly no one inside the Beltway. All this crap about personal liberty and all -- it just gets in the way. So ineffecient and old fashioned, has no place in a computerized world. I mean why let the Little People piddle around trying to decide where to send their kids to school and what they should make for dinner when we in the federal government already have all the answers?

All this individuality crap is just such a bother...

Is it just me, or does it seem like these blockheads are incapable of learning? I mean, they really have nothing inside their heads but clay. Or maybe they're simply totally and completely ignorant of any human history whatsoever. I suppose they think we fought on the wrong side in WWII. 'Course, WWII, that was when? Didn't that have something to do with York and Lancaster? Or was that Joan of Arc?

Things are so simple when you don't have a brain. And got to say it: Ignorance is Bliss. 

Any wonder why the nation's so screwed up with morons like this running things?

Save the Republic.

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