Sunday, September 25, 2011

When Saul Alinski guides your presidential campaign....

Have you ever been curious what it would look like if a community organizer ran for president of the USA? Let's take a look at the Comrade's campaign thus far, no doubt inspired by Rules for Radicals:
  • Develop a forthrightly marxist economic policy and back it up with class-warfare slogans like "Tax the Rich." Preach that to a population who wants to be rich and is getting sick of seeing the federal government pour its hard-earned tax dollars down the black hole of "green" technology that no one wants.
  • Get a bunch of women with flabby upper arms in tanks tops -- to show off their tattoos -- to picket the NYSE. They'll need signs, too. Make sure they cuss at the cops, too. You want to get them on TV, hopefully as the cops stack their limp carcasses in a paddy wagon.
  • Instruct your brain-dead, Kool-Aid drinking Senate Majority leader to table any useful and bipartisan proposals that come from a Republican-dominated House, just because it's a Republican-dominated House. Never mind WHY it's a Republican-dominated House.
  • Have your communications guy, David Fluff, appear on a national political TV show, like Fox Sunday, with a hair cut like Adolf Hitler. Or no. Scratch that. Probably not a good move. 
  • Talk endlessly about supporting teachers, construction workers, and veterans -- all union workers or people on the public payroll/dole, right? That's supposed to inspire support from middle class self-employed/unemployed and business owners?
  • Ignore all foreign policy issues and questions. Just get on Air Force One and fly to the Midwest. Transfer to the million-dollar, Canadian-made campaign bus for some kind of whistle-stop tour.
  • After you've berated rich "fat cats" for your whole career, insult them further by asking them to attend your $35,000-per-plate fundraiser. Or maybe they'll be in for a big tax audit?
  • Get an ugly fat film-maker to threaten the middle class with turning loose a bunch of unemployed, illegal alien laborers on them. Or someone. This fantasy "downtrodden class" we hear so much about. Moore is just an idiot. I suspect he could never get a date in high school and still blames General Motors. Who knows, maybe that Chevy convertible he could never afford might have helped shape a more positive attitude for him.
  • Wave your arms around a lot and shout. If you shout something, that means it's important. The thing is, you've got to get people excited enough to... do... well, something. It doesn't have to be useful and certainly not reasonable or productive. You just have to get re-elected. Never mind why. Or how. Or over whose dead bodies. Got break eggs to make omelets, right?

Sound like a plan? Sounds like the Comrade's plan.

Does any of this serve the country? Does it serve anyone? Is this "stirring the base?" If so, what the hell kind of "base" does the Comrade have? Kinda like those loonies who dress up in ski masks and black Spandex, like Saddam Hussein's Mujahaddin, and show up at the international economic conferences to break windows and set fires.

Is this what the Comrade wants for America? Better question: Is this what you want for America?

Save the Republic.

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