Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I love New York, or Howard Beach anyway

Well, interesting. Remember Anthony Weiner, the weiner? A congressman from Howard Beach, NY, fond of displaying his private parts on Twitter? He resigned. Finally.

So today there was a special election to fill his seat in the US House.

Interesting district. The seat was once held by Geraldine Ferraro (who ran for US vice president with Mondale in 1984 and lost) and also by Chucklehead Schumer, who's now a US Senator from New York. Then came the weiner.

Anyway, it's a district that includes many conservative Jews, and it also has voted democrat consistently for nearly a century. The seat in the House has been held by a democrat since 1923 or thereabouts.

So guess who won this election?

Bob Turner, Republican. And from news reports, he claimed to be a Tea Party supporter. At least that's what his opponents said. 'Course, maybe they'll want to take that back now, if only so that they can continue to pretend that the Tea Party represents unpopular and "extremist" views.

From the New York Times:

...Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, said the district’s large concentration of Orthodox Jews made it unusual and meant the race had few national ramifications.

“In this district, there is a large number of people who went to the polls tonight who didn’t support the president to begin with and don’t support Democrats — and it’s nothing more than that,” she said in a telephone interview.
Obviously Wasserman Schultz is wearing her her butt for a hat, as usual, and is either in shock or very deep, psychotic denial. That is, delusional. The Comrade won the district with 56% of the vote in 2008. I'd say he carried it handily back then. Like all the democrats who have run in that district for almost 100 years past.

But no more.

Read 'em and weep, White House marxists. We don't like you and we're not going to play your game anymore. We're just plain sick of your crap. Kinda like what Ronald Reagan said once. He had been a democrat for many years, but then declared himself a Republican. He said, "I didn't move away from the party; the party moved away from me."

Yeah, it's like that.

Save the Republic.

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