Tuesday, September 13, 2011

US federal government: a greedy fat cat?

The Comrade has proposed a second stimulus. About $450 billion for teachers and construction workers, in other words, for the unions that support him.

And we're supposed to pay for this in increased taxes? Which will eventually end up in his campaign fund?

I don't think so.

On the plus side, I contacted Speaker of the House John Boehner's office, and they assure me the Republicans in the House won't support anything that will only make the economy worse.

But you got to look at the Comrade's policies from a marxist perspective. That's the only way they make sense.

See, one major -- actually key -- difference between socialism and capitalism is that in a socialist system, the central government controls all of a nation's assets, or as much as the government can get its hands on through legislation and regulation. Like seizing control of the banks via TARP and also the Fudd-Dudd legislation that lays 2,500 pages of new regulation on all kinds of financial institutions. So the feds grab control of the finance industry -- those huge pools of capital and sources of lending that make the economy work and grow.

Even if the feds don't outright own the banks and credit companies, they control them. They mandate those companies' policies, tell them who they can hire, what they can charge, what they can lend to whom. What to print on the monthly statements, for pete's sake.

Then the feds seize and control and "reorganize" the auto industry, energy, education, health care.

Starting to sound familiar? You know, Monkey-face Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's marxist dictator, laughed and applauded in 2009, noting that the Comrade wasn't in office a month before he sezied control of the US auto industry. Monkey-face was delighted.

The only pools of capital left that remain beyond the direct control of Washington DC are privately owned funds in the hands of corporations and private individuals. So the Comrade's going after them now -- primarily through taxation, but also by levying 25,000 pages of regulations designed to cripple them and compel them to spend tons of money on accountants, lawyers, and fines to the feds. If the federal government doesn't outright own them, they still try to run them, dictate their policies and control their operations through regulation and mandated reporting. Or the feds shut these companies down.

The Comrade's very fond of speaking with an arrogant disdain about "fat cats" and "greedy" capitalists. But exactly who is it eating up the nation's resources? Not private citizens or corporations, but the federal government. And if the feds were doing a good job, the economy would reflect that immediately in economic growth and a general prosperity.

That hasn't happend. Just the opposite. No growth, higher unemployment. A very high level of uncertainty for business that prevents them from making significant investments in... anything. I don't blame them. It could all be seized by the feds tomorrow -- like the Gibson Guitar Company. Now there's a danger to society.

Being a marxist socialist, the Comrade has this obsessive compulsion to seize the assets and resources of any and every private citizen and organization and to bring it under direct control of a monstrous (and extremely wasteful and incompetent) federal government.

This is socialism -- by any other name, this is socialism.

Resist. You can also drop John Boehner a note, or your own Rep or Senator, if they happen to be anti-socialist. Unfortunately, it seems few democrats still fall into the anti-socialist category anymore. And for that reason, looks like they're all going to lose big time in 2012. We can only hope.

Save the Republic.

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