Wednesday, December 21, 2011

49ers should think about day games

In San Francisco over the weekend, Candlestick Park saw two power outages during a night football game.

Well, maybe they should move to day games. I mean, it's only friendly to the environment, isn't it? Like,  how many redwoods will they have to cut down to continue playing at night? That is, in the absence of coal, oil, and natural gas?

Last year, about 30 coal-fueled electricity generation plants were shut down. Another 30 will be shut down this year. And this all due to new EPA rules that claim these plants are responsible for giving people asthma. Many of these plants have been in operation for decades. All of a sudden, they're giving people asthma?

We won't look too closely at the science behind that, or the lack of it.

Anyway, those coal-powered plants, a total of 60+ of them, provide 10% of the electrincal power available in the USA. And the Comrade and his henchmen don't like the idea of the Keystone Pipeline, which would bring Canadian oil to the USA to be refined.

Remember during his presidential campaign how the Comrade promised he'd make the cost of electricity "skyrocket?" Well, this is one promise he'll be keeping. Many people predict exactly that -- skyrocketing costs, and eventually rolling brown-outs as well.

And isn't Karma a wonderful thing? No power in A) "candlestick" park in, B) San Francisco. Pazzo Pelosi's home turf. I'm sure she's very proud of her work on this issue.

They asked for it. They got it. They like it?

Hope they have a really hot summer, too. And aw shucks, no water either. Got to spare those little fish that clog up the plumbing. But it is OK to walk around naked in San Francisco.

Save the Republic.

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