Friday, December 23, 2011

Dem "victory" on tax cuts? It's all spin

It's all spin, you know. Saying the democrats have won some kind of victory on extending the tax cuts is, overall, a loss for them.

Even if the cuts are extended only two month, the "tax the rich" provisions have been dropped, and the language demanding a decision on the Keystone Pipeline is included.

In addtion, the Comrade initially wanted a year-long extension. So how is settling for a two-month extension any kind of "win" for him?

This is so totally stupid. Like I recall a video clip or something from years ago, showing a cat skating across a newly-waxed floor and smashing into the wall. The caption read, "I meant to do that."

That's kind of the same spirit as the dems declaring a win in this debacle.

Supposedly they made the Republicans "look bad." Only the brainless might think so. I mean, what is the advantage to the citizen to get a rather insignificant tax cut for two months rather than having the tax cut for 12 months?

I'm afraid I don't get it. It's like.... stupid.

The Republicans decidedly won this round, minus the yeal-long extension, and many Republicans opposed any extension at all because that revenue only depletes the Social Security fund. So what, exactly, did they lose?

No, this is a big win for Republicans. A major win. But somehow there's so much spin on it, it's been totally twisted around.

All for now.

Save the Republic.

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