Saturday, December 24, 2011

"We could be totalitarian, except 'the other side' resisted"

Been watching clips on TV from an interview the Comrade gave to Barbara Walters. She asked him if he'd made any mistakes.

He said yes, he did. In trying to protect the American people, he spared us from knowing just how bad the economy was when he took office.

So it's still all George Bush's fault. The Comrade was only being a big cuddly daddy, lying to spare us from the reality we all live day-to-day? Is this making any sense to anyone? If you get laid off from your job and can't find another for two years, are you unaware of how bad things are? Oh, save us, Comrade!

In truth, I don't believe the Comrade had a clue how bad the economy was. In fact, he still doesn't have a clue how bad the economy is. If he knew anything about economics at all, he'd recognize that all his policies to date have only fueled failure and made recovery impossible.

And of course, since he must have a glimmer by now -- if he reads the polls that show about 70% of the nation believes the USA is "moving in the wrong direction" -- that the population is a bit weary of the "George W. made me do it" b.s. So now the Comrade is setting up congress to take the blame.

He told Barbara Walters that the nation could have made a lot more progress, had not "the other side" blocked so many of his policies. Note, he didn't signify progress toward what.

First of all, what policies? What, exactly, has the Comrade ever proposed? The only things that come to mind are socialized medicine and cap-and-trade. BECAUSE THE COMRADE HAD DEMOCRAT MAJORITIES IN BOTH HOUSES THE FIRST TWO YEARS OF HIS TERM, he did manage to extort and intimidate and bribe his way to getting socialized medicine legislated. Not cap-and-trade specifically, but a whole range of equally stupid and destructive measures the EPA has passed as simple edicts.

The result is the same -- the destruction of free enterprise and prosperity in the USA.

And second, as far congress opposing him? THIS congress, the 112th, was elected in 2010, after two years of watching Pazzo Pelosi, blissfully brainless, destroy the republic. The current Republican majority in the House resulted in large part as a backlash against the Comrade's communist-fascist policies. We the people want congress to obstruct all the totalitarian bullshit that's going on in Washington. That's why we elected them.

The Comrade just doesn't get it. NOBODY WANTS HIS MARXIST POLICIES.

And after three years, he still doesn't recognize this, making him either monumentally stupid or a rigid ideaolgue who doesn't give a damn what the population wants. He wants a totalitarian marxist state, and to him, that's all that matters. His sociopathic arrogance has blinded him to reality.


And Merry Christmas! And don't forget, 2012 is an election year!

Save the Republic.

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