Tuesday, October 30, 2012

In the wake of Sandy

Thoughts go out to the millioins -- literally -- of people affected by Hurricane Sandy, or post-tropical sub-hurricane Sandy, or whatever the government's decided to call it now. Can you picture them? "Hmmm, we've changed the names of everything else to confuse people. What can we call this thing?" Ordinary citizens are much smarter. They call it a hurricane.

Even when it reaches Chicago.

Really high waves here. I'd go over to the beach to check it out, but where I live, the beach is on the other side of a large sort of wilderness park, and I'm sure the entrance is blocked off. It was blocked off for a whole season last year when we had our deroche -- straight winds -- thing that knocked out our electricity for a week or more.

So the residents of Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Connecticut, etc -- they have my sympathy. And West Virginia, too, with two feet of snow. Life does not go on with no electricity.

Something to think about when pondering the shut-down of coal as a fuel by the EPA. As if the EPA can do a damn thing to change the climate. If the EPA wants to take credit for the apparenly huge and extremely destructive storms we've had over the past decade or so, while the EPA has been mandating and "fixing" things -- they can go right ahead. Otherwise, why not just shut your ugly regulatory face and find a real job?

Our best local weather guy, Tom Skilling, is on TV right now, giving the predictions. It's cold here -- probably in the 40s, if you live in Florida and consider that cold. Also windy here, and that could be a problem.

Very interesting, too, that Hurricane Sandy gave the Comrade the opportunity to "look presidential" during this last week before the election. Hey folks, don't you find it interesting that he's only "looked presidential" this last week -- out of four years.

You know what to do.

Save the Republic

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