Wednesday, October 17, 2012

President admits lies about Libya attack

Did you see the Presidential debate last night? Interesting. The Comrade was teed off that anyone should question his judgment or activites -- or lack of them. To paraphrase from Reap the Wild Wind, "God tells Obama and Obama tells the world." Is this whole campaign thing damaging his delusions? Nowhere to hide?

In one interesting moment, when one of the audience members asked about Libya, the Comrade said he had mentioned "acts of terror" in a speech he made in the White House Rose Garden on Sept. 12, the day after the attack at the Benghazi consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdred along with three other people.

Romney asked again, to clarify, did the Comrade just say he knew the attack was an "act of terror" on Sept. 12?

The Comrade noted the words were in his speech.

Modertor Candy Crawly then intervened, claiming that yes, indeed, the Comrade had used those very words, "act of terror" on Sept. 12. She failed to add, however, that he was referencing the World Trade Center attacks, not the ones in Libya.

And all the donkeys cheered. "Haha, Mitt, don't you look good with egg on your face!"

OK... so Romney then began to ask, "Why, then, Mr. President, did you send people out to five different news shows to claim the attack --"

Ms. Crawly decided to change the subject at thus point. And Romney's been criticized for not asking the question -- though God knows, he tried.

So I'll ask the question:

Mr. President, if you knew on Sept. 12 the attack on Libya on Sept. 11 was a terrorist attack, why did you lie about it for the next two weeks?

I'd love to hear his answer, but so far, just crickets.

We ony have to deal with a few more weeks of this crap anyway. Election looming.

Save the Republic.

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