Thursday, October 4, 2012

Romney 1, Obama 0

Well, I don't know what to say after all the usual pundits have had it.

Checked in on MSNBC to see Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, and that fat, insulting slob with the radio show whose name I can't recall looking all shocked and indignant. Al Sharpton insisting that Romney was lying.

I think Marco Rubio had it right. He told Sean Hannity that the democrat narrative has been nothing but a collection of lies based on mythical assumptions and misconceptions. Romney disproved all that crap just by his sharpness, obvious concern for other people and the nation, and his very facile knowledge of the issues.

Obama looked, in turns, either really pissed off or like he was about to cry. He couldn't explain anything. He bumbled. For pity sake, no less an asshole than Bill Maher Tweeted that maybe it's true, Obama is lost without a teleprompter.

Seems like Obama believed all he had to do was show up, beam a smile at the camera, and he'd sweep it all.

Didn't work. At one point in the discussion on taxes, Obama asked moderator Jim Lehrer to change the subject. Good grief.

Sarah Palin told Hannity that it's the first time Obama has been questioned abiout anything but his favorite kind of pizza since he's been in office. When confronted, as Romney respectfully but assertively confronted him, Obama just kind of stammered and groped for the cliches and platitudes his campaign workers have dreamed up for him. He looked entirely inept and ignorant. Could it be the emperor has no clothes?

Romney was very, very good. The Comrade sucked.

Save the Republic.

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