Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Libyan hearings

I'm currently watching snippets of the congressional hearing about the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11.

So far, several witnesses, a couple of whom served in Libya this year in the security organization, noted that the consulate compound was fortified to some degree, but also that additional boots-on-the-ground security was requested, but denied.

This broadcast is interlaced with discussion and commentary on other topics. Like they had Kirsten Powers commenting on the White House calling Romney a liar, following the debate where the Comrade came off kinda looking like the walking dead. Kirsten noted that the Comrade's campaign staff has to promote the "Liar, liar, pants on fire" campaign because that's their operational strategy right now.

Pathetic? Desperate? Unworthy of anyone running for any office in the USA?

Kirsten Powers also made the sometimes valid -- but not often anymore -- point that what either side might call "a lie" may be nothing more than a difference in the way something is interpreted.

However, I don't know how you can interpret this Benghazi fiasco as anything but a lie. The State department -- and probably the White House -- knew that the consulate was in a very dangerous position and in vulnerable circumstances, since the security there failed to meet the security standards set for outposts in unstable, even hostile areas.

They knew the place was understaffed in terms of security. Additionally, the State department -- and no doubt the White House -- understood that the Benghazi consulate was enduring a terrorist attack even while it was happening.

The State department -- and the White House - then promptly fabricated this stupid story about a video shaking up the loonies in the Middle East. State and the White House just made that up.

That's a LIE. That's not a valid alternative interpretation of the facts. That's a deliberate LIE.

Jay Carneybarker right now is concocting excuses about why the White House LIED about this event. He's a joke. And an insult to human intelligence. And all of them disgrace the nation.

And Chris Stevens (yeah, I'm spelling his name right this time), and three other Americans are dead because of the incompetence of Hillary Clinton and the State department, and the White House, all of whom refused to recognize any FACTS that conflict with their utopian view of reality. I mean, how do they formulate policy under the Comrade? Sit around a big table and say, "Let's pretend muslim crazies see us as champions and allies, how do we behave?" Not considering that that assumption -- about how the crazies see us -- is a totally made up scenario.

Are these people nuts? Dangerously nuts? To paraphrase a cliche from the UFO world: Do they have to land on the White House lawn before we accept what they are?

Can we afford another four more years or this fantasyland policymaking? And then the insulting LIES when the policy fails?

Charles Krauthammer said he believes Hillary Clinton should resign due to the Libya failure. Yeah, I agree. If she had any honor, she would. But when have any of the Clintons ever had any honor? And she's not the only one who should resign.

That's all.

Save the Republic. Vote for Romney and Ryan. I'd say "vote for anybody but Obama" but we need to get a majority to dislodge Comrade Butthead from the White House. And the donkeys he rode in on.

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