Friday, October 9, 2009

Deadly V.A.T.

Anybody know what a V.A.T. is? It stands for Value-Added Tax, and some pundits are characterizing it as a national sales tax. But it's not. It's much, much worse.

Suppose you sell furniture. Right now, you just go to some furniture manufacturer and buy at wholesale rates, and there's no tax on it whatsoever to you. However, you do add a retail sales tax onto the price when you sell it to a customer.

OK... With a V.A.T., you go to a furniture manufacturer and buy at wholesale rates, and the manufacturer charges you a tax -- a value-added tax. The manufacturer took a chunk of wood and added value to it by turning it into a table, and he's taxed for that. He passes that tax on to you, the same way you pass on the retail sales tax to your customers. Everyone has to make a living, after all. Someone's got to pay. There's no free lunch.

Now you take the table and sell it to a customer, and the customer pays the value-added tax and the retail sales tax. You've got to pass all that along to the customer.

Suppose you bought the table already built, but not finished. You still pay the V.A.T. Then you have a guy in your back room put about four coats of varnish on it to give it a mirror-like, protective finish. Uh-oh. You've added value. That means tacking on a second V.A.T.

So now you take the table and sell it to the consumer, who pays two V.A.T.s (one for manufacturing, the other for finishing) plus the retail sales tax.

The final price to the consumer of any item includes the V.A.T.s accrued to it from every phase of its manufacture. If a product goes through three or four different production processes, each adds a tax. The consumer gets to pay the whole amount.

Pazzo Pelosi now is talking about establishing a V.A.T. in the USA. She's apparently stupid, ignorant, and shallow enough to believe that whatever is done in Europe is "cutting edge" and is something to brag about at wine-tastings, and V.A.T.s have been a part of the European landscape for a long time. It's one reason the USA has been so much more productive than Europe, and why American consumers have had so much more money to spend -- we haven't been gouged by V.A.T.s.

But that's about to come to an end if Pazzo has her way.

Ol' Pazzo never met a tax she didn't love, or one that she's not foaming at the mouth to load upon the backs of the American public. Pazzo loves hurting people. She wants to see how far she push us before someone calls her a Nazi and she gets to play "victim." That's what really sends a tingle up her leg. Look what she's done to the farmers in California -- and to California in general -- and at her obsession with destroying the American health care industry.

Yeah... Hey, we may get to keep almost 50% of our incomes if/when socialized medicine goes into effect... So we need a V.A.T. to entirely hobble us, just in case anyone gets any big dreams about making a living here. Pazzo may be afraid there will still be some manufacturing done in the USA somewhere. That has to be stamped out completely and the V.A.T. will surely do it. It will be much cheaper to import just about everything.

That is, if anyone is able to buy anything.

We can't have prosperity in America. Not with these power-mad, tax-hungry lunatics running things. Not with Pelosi as Speaker of the House. No. She wants to make sure we know that we work for her. We owe our lives to her. She wants at least half (three-quarters is better) of everything we earn.

This Pelosi witch is a serious psychopath and a genuine danger to any free society. Not good enough for her to destroy California. She's got to infect the entire nation with her ruthless, sadistic ambition.

What kind of people would vote this bitch into office? That's even more of a puzzle. I can't imagine the piece of work who was running against her if she won the election. Charlie Manson, maybe? I mean, he and Pelosi are pretty much working for the same result, aren't they? Master of the Universe?

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