Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just raise taxes!

Well, Baucus et. al. in the Senate have figured out a way to make socialized medicine "deficit-neutral" -- raise taxes!

Gee, is that supposed to be a new idea?

Mentioned before... I love it when they claim they'll get companies like the insurance carriers and equipment manufacturers to pony up more cash to pay for the system. As though the insurance carriers and equipment manufacturers have access to some huge secret stash of money.... like they have sources of funds other than their customers.

So if insurance companies have to pay the feds for the privilege of staying in business, insurance premiums will rise. Similarly, if equipment manufacturers have to kick in more cash, hospital beds and respirators are going to cost more to those who need them.

And how does this make health insurance and/or health care more affordable? By making it more expensive?

What the hell are they drinking? (Oh... Kool-Aid, of course!)

Here's a secret, Senator Baucus -- Money doesn't grow on trees. Everyone but governments has to actually produce something or perform some type of marketable service in order to earn it. We, the public, can't just get money from somebody else, like you do. For us, there is no Santa Claus. No printing presses. Just lots and lots and lots of work. Which with an unemployment rate at almost 10%, isn't likely.

Everyone but congress has to earn money somehow. I know that's an alien notion to congresscritters. They just don't get it.

Do you ever wonder how these people got by before they were elected? Did they forget all about reality when they were sworn in, or what?

So, go ahead, buttheads, pile it on! We'll all be living on the beach out of shopping carts, but, doggone it!, we'll have health insurance. Or go to jail, which is looking like the more attractive option.

And what the heck is up with refusing to publicize any of these stupid bills before they're voted on? What IS that all about?

Apparently the idea of the democratic process is also a foreign notion to those in congress.

I mean, really, take a couple steps back and look at this situation. You will vote yay or nay for... what?

What is the difference between this and a sovereign despot who just makes up any rule he or she wants? Really. No one gets to know what's in the legislation? That's so totally absurd.

Doesn't anyone in Washington have any notion whatsoever about what the USA is supposed to be or how it's supposed to operate?

Who the hell are these people?

My LSD-in-the-DC-water-supply theory is looking more and more plausible every day. How else to explain this mess?

More important -- How do we put an end to it?

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