Monday, October 19, 2009

We are the national mushroom

A while ago there was this little poster that used to be displayed at company bulletin boards all over the nation. It showed a cartoon of a mushroom and said, "I am the company mushroom. They keep me in the dark and feed me bullshit."

Watched parts of all the network Sunday political shows yesterday, as well as Fox's show, and it occurs to me that the public is the national mushroom. They keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit.

Did notice that the White House sent out its "big guns" for appearances -- David Axelrod, Rahm Emanual, Valerie Jarrett -- but only on the networks. Fox had to be content with non-White House guests. And you know what? Fox had the better show.

The network hacks don't have the gonads to ask any real questions, and the White House people only prattled the pre-approved talking points. They were tedious and not very informative. Just the same old crap. On ABC, Paul Krugeman was his smarmy self and Peggy Noonan, in her kind of smug and self-satisfied way, mopped up the floor with him.

By contrast, on Fox, Karl Rove and Terry McAuliffe gave off sparks, with McAuliffe ending up looking like some kind of Democrat C3PO, wind him up and he spouts the pre-approved talking points. He even pretty much admitted that he'll say anything anyone will pay him to say.

Arlen Specter, who was also on Fox, was pathetic. Left you wondering why this guy hasn't retired by now. Hopefully he will retire next year, whether he wants to or not. No doubt if there's a Republican sweep next year, ol' Arlen will try to change parties once again, but it will be too late. How could you reach the age of 80+ and still be unsure of what you believe in?

Just now on Fox (this is Monday), they had two guys talking about proposed socialized medicine legislation. The Democrat guy starts rambling on about Bob Dole, Bill Frist and a couple other Republicans have stated that they're all for "reform." Yeah, butthead -- REFORM -- not this socialist crap. Bob Dole even complained publicly about the Democrats connecting his name to socialized medicine, and the Dems pulled a TV ad that used his name... rather than be sued, I guess.

Bob Dole, Bill Frist and a lot (if not most) other Republicans have stated over and over again that they want health care reform. But they don't want the socialized medicine garbage that has come out of congress so far. This is the same attitude of the general public, which according to a Rasmussen poll today, is now 54% opposed to socialized medicine.

The Dems say, "How can they be opposed? There is no bill yet!"

You know what, buttheads -- if you can vote on it on principle, as a "concept," we can vote against it on principle and as a "concept."

Apparently you're not going to show anyone any bill until you've rammed it through with your majority... If you can... If congressmen are so enamored of the Comrade that they prove themselves willing to vote away their futures in congress.

Just exactly how stupid do you think we national mushrooms are?

It's obvious to me that we're a lot smarter than the blockheads in Washington.

I for one will take careful note of exactly which legislators vote for this piece of crap socialized medicine bill, and would happily vote for Hitler before voting for any one of them. After all, even Hitler recognized American exceptionalism. And he experienced it in much the same way these idiots will.

One question: If they do pass socialized medicine, will we be able to rescind it next year, after we vote out these horses' asses? I'll make that a prerequisite for anyone I vote for next year.

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