Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Comrade's "Dancing Ito's"

Anyone remember the bit they used to do on the Jay Leno Tonight Show when O.J. Simpson was on trial? At least once a week, Jay would bring out a chorus line of guys dressed up like Judge Ito in judicial robes to do a little dance.

I watched the Comrade's announcement on his "new and improved" socialized medicine scheme today, and preceding him at the podium were several people dressed up in white lab coats and surgical scrubs. His version of the Dancing Ito's? I expected them to link arms and start high-kicking like the Rockettes.

Anyway, he didn't say anything new. I'm beginning to question his legendary intelligence. I could write a better bill to improve health care, and my formal legal education consists of about a half-dozen courses in political science and one course in First Amendement case law.

At any rate, he droned on for twenty minutes about the same old garbage. He brought up the issue of accountability first. Like, he says the insurance companies are solely accountable now for rising health care premiums. Like they're on an unregulated spree of sticking it to consumers to beef up their profits.

Well, with the government mandating that no one be turned away from hopsital emergency rooms, similar regulations to provide health care for illegal aliens, Medicare and Medicaid only partially funding the costs of care delivered and providers dumping the unfunded expenses on private patients and their insurance, I don't see how even the Comrade can say the insurance companies should be blamed for rising health care costs. The more you extend services to people who can't or won't pay for it, the higher the expenses are and the higher insurance premiums will be to cover those costs. With no additional profits for insurance carriers, I might add.

Tom Coburn (R-OK), I believe, made the very good point that if the government seized all the profits from all the insurance companies, it would pay for about three days of health care.

So, Comrade, that's one stupid argument you lose for several reasons, as cited above, and more exist -- like over-use of the system for trivial complaints, over-testing to fend off claims of malpractice, forcing people to buy coverage for things they'll never need, like fertility treatments for senior citizens, etc.

Direct quote, the Comrade says, "Taxpayers end up subsidizing the uninsured if they go to emergency rooms...."

So his solution: get taxpayers to fund everyone, whether or not they go to emergency rooms. Somehow the logic escapes me.

It just doesn't make any sense. Socialized medicine can't possibly cut costs unless the government institutes severe rationing policies -- and the government is the only entity that could enforce such a thing nationwide and applicable to every health care situation.

But what's really funny.... the Comrade believes that health care-by-legislation is what will "give people control of their health care."

Yeah... like right now, 57% of the population is AGAINST socialized medicine, and the Comrade wants to ram it through congress on reconciliation. IS THIS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW "THE PEOPLE" WILL BE "IN CONTROL" OF HEALTH CARE? By eliminating their control of the legislative process?

What a fool. And a liar. And a knee-jerk marxist.

Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Minority Leader in the House, offered a response. He made a very good point. He said, "This is not an argument between Republicans and Democrats. It's an argument between the Democrats and the American People."

He nailed it.

And if you look at the list of "Resources" on this blog, you'll see a link to a list who in the House voted for the dreaded HR3200. I didn't post a link for the Senate, because the vote was so perfectly along party lines. That is, if your senator is a democrat, they voted for the bill; if they're  Republican, they voted against. I will post the same link when the current legislation goes through the House again, and also through the Senate on reconciliation.

We all need to know who to vote for and who to NOT vote for in November. If this piece of crap passes, we will need promises from any candidate that if they win, they will work to repeal it as a first order of business, before it does too much damage.

The democrats now are making a glib and very stupid argument that "once the bill passes, people will love it."


Remember that, congresscritters, before you vote.

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