Thursday, March 18, 2010

The "process" IS the Constitution

Saw the Comrade on Fox tonight. He, like Pazzo Pelosi, blows off congressional legislative "process" as some trivial technicality. Actually, the legislative process is the US Constitution. And he supposedly taught constitutional law? Where? At one of those correspondence schools that used to be advertised on matchbook covers? (GET YOUR JDL AT DAVE'S EMPORIUM OF HIGHER EDUCATION! That's right! In six months you, too, can be a practicing attorney!)

I understand that neither the Comrade nor Pelosi has any regard whatsoever for the US Constitution. It only gets in the way of their appetite for power. But the Constitution was written forthrightly and transparently for the purpose of limiting the reach and scope of the federal government, thereby preserving the rights of individuals.

Something I've noticed over several decades and a half-dozen different administrations, is that when the people in office start whining about the limits imposed by the US Constitution, it means they're over-reaching and probably need to retire -- or maybe buy an island in the South Pacific and lord over the starfish.

So let's review. Every poll that's come out for at least the last six months has indicated that the majority of US citizens are not in favor of either the House or the Senate socialized medicine bills. The Comrade says that's because we simply don't understand them. He's delivered about 40 speeches explaining the whole concept, and no one seems to understand it yet.

Additionally, having seen him discuss "his" health care reform bill last summer sometime.... his conception of the legislation didn't in any way resemble what was being bandied about in the House at the time. Get the feeling that the Comrade is perhaps more confused than anyone else about the impending legislation? But, you know, the Comrade proposes; Congress disposes. He's above the nuts and bolts. He's just the idea man.

At any rate, so here we have these extremely unpopular proposals. If any congresscritter does not yet understand that a "yes" vote for this crap ensures the end of his/her career, they must have been incommunicado in Timbuktu for the last 18 months.

Pazzo doesn't have the votes to pass the Senate bill, which isn't quite socialist enough for the leftist loonies in the House. The Senate certainly couldn't accept the House bill.  (No one in their right mind could.)

So, Pazzo, displaying her absolutely anal commitment to wielding whatever little power she believes she has, has determined that she will get the Senate bill through the House WITHOUT A VOTE. Just wave your magic wand, Pazzo, and make it so.

This rabbit-out-of-a-hat "process" is called "deem and pass," or "demon piss," whichever seems most appropriate. Do believe I described this before. The House develops a reconciliation bill to "fix" whatever they don't like in the Senate bill. They pretend the Senate bill has passed the House, vote for the reconciliation bill, and -- poof! -- both the Senate bill and the reconciliation are all done and only await the Comrade's signature.

The only problem with this is that it violates the US Constitution.

The Comrade doesn't have a problem with that. Not surprised. He doesn't seem to have much use for the United States at all. He'd really be much more comfortable under a palm tree in some third-world armpit, intimidating the natives with a stern and disapproving glare.

His attitude doesn't work very well in the USA, though. Saw Brett Baier interview him tonight, and it's hard not to feel sorry for him -- the Comrade, that is. First, he couldn't come up with any kind of intelligible explanation of why the $500 billion cut from Medicare gets counted and spent twice. Then when asked about the "Doctor Fix," he reverted to blaming all that on George Bush.

You know what, it doesn't matter if the $250 billion "Doctor Fix" has been done by Bush and/or even by Clinton -- it still has to be paid. It will still add to the monumental cost for socialized medicine, and bring the total over $1 TRILLION -- and that just on paper. In real life, multiply by three or four, at least. That's what's always happened before with entitlement programs.

But perhaps the Comrade plans to stiff physicians. And apparently physicians suspect that's just exactly what's going to happen. A poll that came out yesterday said that 30% of practicing doctors said they'd leave the profession if socialized medicine is enacted; today another poll reported that 46% of physicians would at least "consider" leaving the profession if the USA socializes medicine.

Then last night Greta Van Susteren interviewed Paul Ryan (R-Wisc), who serves on the House Budget Committee. The budget committee is devising the House reconciliation bill to fix the Senate bill and is looking at various proposals. Paul Ryan said the Comrade wants to change the role of the Health Care Czar under reconciliation. The Comrade wants to give the Health Care Czar the power to set pricing for private health insurance policies.

Ryan noted that giving the Health Care Czar that power would effectively resurrect the "public option." A Health Care Czar could -- and if he's chosen by the Comrade, he definitely would, remember Van Jones -- price private insurance so high we'd be begging for a public option -- or single-payer, straight-up nationalized health insurance. It works so well in the UK and in Canada.

What a bunch of stinking bastards, n'est-ce pas? (Not Paul Ryan. He's a sweetie.)

So, until these creeps leave office, we will have a continuing battle to protect some semblance of American exceptionalism, that is, respect for humanity and individual rights. That is, political liberty, however little of it remains in this country today.

Thomas Jefferson said that the cost of libertry is eternal vigilance. Yup. Have to watch these slimy sons of bitches every minute.

And as for Natoma Canfield, or whomever... the woman with leukemia who had to choose between buying health insurance or selling her house... you know, the one the Comrade put on display as an example of the "needy"... If we are all compelled to buy health insurance, I won't be able to pay my mortgage. I'll be living out of a shopping cart at State & Madison... and I don't think I'll be alone there.

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