Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dirty tricks from the democrats

Rather controversial issue in Nevada, where sad sack Harry Reid is about 20% behind in the polls. No one thought he would win. Sorta like one district in Chicago, where the democrat incumbent had just been indicted and no one liked him anyway (mentioning no names.) In addition, as is usual in Chicago, no effective Republican organization existed. I was active in a third party at the time, and one of our more astute members noted correctly: "We could run a three-legged ape in that race and he'd probably win."

As it turns out, I do believe that was one of the most successful congressional races this third party has ever run in the city.

Anyway... So similarly, a three-legged ape could win against Reid. The only way Reid could win is for some "ringer" who claims to represent Nevada Tea Parties to woo so many votes away from the Republican that Reid would win by a plurality -- or simply because he gets more votes than anyone else.  Splits the anti-Reid vote, in other words.

Turns out, the guy who says he's from a Tea Party, his name is Ashjian or something like that, is a fraud and a phony. No one in the several state Tea Parties in Nevada has ever heard of him. In addition, Ashjian was apparently some kind of contractor and had his license revoked, and he also owes about $200,000 in taxes. Nice scandals for opponents to prey on, no?

But this guy does NOT represent the Tea Parties. He's probably a democrat plant signifying the pretty futile position Reid has in his own state. Who knows? Maybe the Comrade has promised to forgive the tax debt if this Ashjian agrees to help thwart the elections. Would you be surprised? Sounds like something the democrats would do, doesn't it?

In fact, a spokesman for the Nevada Tea Parties has made a little film or ad of some kind denouncing this Ashjian. DO NOT vote for Ashjian or send him money.

I would advise Republicans and Tea Parties everywhere to be very cautious about who they endorse to run. The democrats know they're going to lose big-time. They've been working at that since they took office more than a year ago now. They've done an astounding hatchet job on the USA in that time. They will lose and they will lose big. They know that.

So the democrats will pull every dirty trick they know -- and they know plenty. How do you think the Comrade got himself elected? They've shown to us all that they don't give a damn about the USA, the Constitution, common morality, or their constituents. If they can't win legally and fairly -- and they can't -- they'll cheat, lie, bribe, and God knows what else. I mean, look how they handled the vote on socialized medicine. Don't let these sleazebags come too close to your children. Heaven only knows where they've been.

If you can -- try to serve as a judge at your polling place during the election. That can help.

The Republicans know quite a few dirty tricks themselves -- they've been around the block. That's another reason to work with them instead of against them. Experience is very useful in politics because there's a lot of b.s that goes on that nobody talks about. You just have to be there....

So if you suspect underhanded tactics, talk about it. Get it on Fox. Tell the world: These people are liars and cheats and they're trying to destroy us. Say it loud. Don't let anybody get away with anything.

And it's essential that we get these marxists out of office.

By the way, the Comrade already has taken advantage of the congressional recess to appoint several of his leftist radical bomb-thrower friends to his administration. These are people who apparently could not withstand the scrutiny of a congressional vetting. Nice, huh?

Of course, what else would you expect of a slimy, lying, knee-jerk anti-American marxist opportunist? So far, he's just pretty much what I always expected. AND HE'S GOT TO BE STOPPED. Start by taking congress away from him. That can at least stanch the flow of appropriations to fund the White House's "redistribution" programs until we can vote him out on his sorry ass.

Save the Republic.

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