Friday, March 5, 2010

Weiner: Now's the time for a power grab

Just saw fast-talking socialist-opportunist Anthony Weiner (D-NY) on Fox. He wants to put the public option back into the socialized medicine bill. Megyn Kelly asked him if he was nuts. The public option was the key objection to the House bill, being a sure step towards totalitarianism in the USA.

Weiner, the weiner, says they couldn't get the bill through with the public option before because at the time they needed 60 votes in the Senate. Since now Reid and Pelosi have decided to do away with the tradtional procedures in congress that protect individual rights, the bill would need only 51 votes to pass the Senate by mob-rule rules.

Weiner is positive there are enough power-hungry despots in the Senate to get 51 votes. Looking at the list of addle-brained, uninformed, and corrupt suck-ups on the dem side of the aisle, he may be right. Certainly Reid can buy a couple extra votes from these slobs if necessary. Maybe he can arrange to have the Comrade throw them a barbecue. That ought to do it. They're so easily impressed and so unaware of anything like human rights.

So what Weiner proposes -- because he's an obnoxious, overly-aggressive opportunist (don't buy a used car or anything else from this jerk!) -- is to not shove a toilet bowl full of crap down the throats of the American public... He sees the chance to permanently attach the end of sewer pipe to every citizen and just keep pumping shit into each and every one of us non-stop. And he's sure we'll all just love it. He suggests that we would "choose" that.

I wonder where he grew up. He's so full of shit he can't even conceive of being shit-free. He's totally unaware of shit-free as a preferable way of life. Apparently he's never experienced it himself. He talks about what congress can pass, not what the public is interested in. He's a typical bullshit, shit-for-brains, cross-eyed, power-grabbing wannabe totalitarian.

And of course, the weiner knows what's best for all of us. We can't make up our own minds -- and he refuses to accept the idea that we've been down this road before with the Town Halls and all of that. The public option got a noisy and very determined "NO!" from the public already. Next time people might show up with more than hand-made signs -- if that's the only way we can get rid of these blockheads in congress.

Get it, weiner?

Who elected this asshole? They ought to be ashamed.

I think that loony who tried to attack the Pentagon last night just picked the wrong target.

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