Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hypocrisy on stilts

Interesting.... Film all over the news today of the Comrade giving a commencement speech at a high school, and cautioning the kids not to blame their problems on other people, but to accept responsibility and work through their errors and shortcomings.

Does this guy ever listen to himself?

Best part of the speech was the kid in the cap-'n-gown in the background, yawning first, then slowly nodding out. Yeah. I know exactly how he feels.

Anyway, so this whole thing reminded me of this movie called "Disclosure," starring Michael Douglas and Demi Moore.

They have an affair -- or did have an affair or something like that. Michael Douglas, at least, is married to someone else. And Demi Moore seduces him, and then files a sexual harrassment suit against him and possibly against the high-tech Seattle-based corporation where they both work.

Meanwhile, company operations are going to hell in a handbasket.

Douglas is stuck in this sexual harrassment thing, distracted by it, and may be facing either a big promotion or being fired.

Then he starts getting these emails that say "Take care of business." Not signed.

Anyway, the whole upshot of the situation is: Demi Moore also wanted the big promotion and was using the sexual harrassment suit to keep Michael Douglas from figuring out that the company's manufacturer in China or someplace had a fairly straightforward manufacturing problem. See, if Douglas couldn't handle the manufacturing problem he's toast -- entirely apart from the problem of sexual harrassment. And apparently Demi Moore figured she'd get the promotion. It's all politics.

Long and convoluted way of saying to the Comrade: Take care of business.

He's all kinds of busy with his foot on the throat of BP and all, and taking his Obamacare Road Show out for a summer tour....

Just take care of business, Comrade.

Lots of things the US government could be doing with the help of BP, private business, and recruited assistants (like all those Gulf fisherman who can't fish right now) to clean up the oil spill.

No, more important to promote the socialist agenda.

And there were primaries in 11 states today. Interesing results. Lots of women won, a few of them supported by the Tea Parties. In Nevada, Sharron Angle, who was barely in the race three weeks ago, won the candidacy against better known competitors, including a woman who's head of the Nevada Republican Party.

Commentators say Angle has less of a chance against Harry Reid in the general election because she's so conservative. Same with Fiorina winning the Republican senate candidacy to run against Boxer in November. In both cases, commentators say that "more moderate" or "less radical conservative" candidates would have a better chance against the dems.

I don't know.... I think we've pretty much had our fill of socialist democrats, even in California.

And as to the Comrade picking off the scabs about socialized medicine again -- and during the forthcoming congressional campaigns -- go ahead, make my day.

Save the republic.

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