Monday, June 7, 2010

White House adds insult to injury on socialized medicine

Well, the Comrade and the merry marxists have finally figured out that THEY ARE GOING TO LOSE REALLY, REALLY BIG IN NOVEMBER, largely due to their criminal lack ethics, shocking naivete and lack of experience in actually running a country as opposed to getting elected, their complete disregard for the public, and their contempt for the US Constitution, so they're mounting a big public relations campaign to try to sell us all on their socialized medicine scheme. Which they finally understand that NOBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WANTS.

Actually, the Comrade and the merry marxists are only adding insult to injury through all this. I mean, back to this -- how stupid do they think we are? They might be surprised to find out what's actually in that piece-of-crap socialized medicine legislation, but we actually read the bill and tried very passionately to get them to NOT pass this garbage. Spending a proposed $125 million more of OUR MONEY on this b.s. isn't going to convince anybody that the USA needs death panels or drek-for-brains federal agents advising us on diet and exercise.

I can see it now, Anita (pup-tent-on-her-head) Dunne dressed in a white coat with tongue depressors and colorful lollypops (for the kids) in her breast pocket: "I'm not a doctor, but I play one in the nation's capitol..."

The New York Times reports that one major concern driving this huge investment of public money -- at a time of 10% unemployment among other things -- is that the Comrade and his band of crazy-ass marxists have come to recognize that a majority of the public demands a repeal of socialized medicine, and that candidates who promise to vote yes on repeal will probably be elected.

Some butthead from the Comrade's regime commented in the Times that Republican candidates will attack socialized medicine and socialized medicine must be defended.

You know, if socialized medicine was a good idea, a good law, we-the-people would be defending it. We wouldn't need a government-funded p.r. effort. After all, we aren't half as stupid as the people in Washington.

And why change tactics and move to a soft, persuasive approach? Socialized medicine is law. Just continue to shove it down our throats. That's all they have to do. They can just put us in jail if we refuse to pay for it, or comply with it, or take all our medical business to the black market.

But the marxists really don't want to lose their congressional majorities. They aren't done yet. Let's see, they've destroyed the US auto industry, wrecked the credit and banking system, are working hard on ruining the availability of energy, made college scholarship political plums, and have turned the Gulf Coast into a toilet.... Nope. Not done yet. There may be one or two families in the USA still living a decent life. That certainly can't be tolerated.

Tomorrow is a big primary day across the country. Funny, too, lots of disputed races among the dems, but not many dems -- no matter which of them win the candidacy -- stands much of a chance of winning against their Republican and/or Tea Party opponents.

Does that tell you something?

Hey, Comrade, give me the $125 million you're donating to Anita Dunne's little p.r. campaign. I do p.r. And I guarantee, I'll spend more wisely than she could ever imagine.

Save the republic.

P.S. Long-time White House press corps fixture Helen Thomas, was compelled to retire today, after confiding, "Kill all the Jews! Kill all the Jews!" Or something like that.

Good riddance, know what I mean? Actually, I suspect she's just a knee-jerk liberal who has completely lost track of exactly where the hell the liberals are in the USA. Exactly the same reason the Comrade is losing the blockheads who elected him. They can't figure out where he's headed and refuse to face the fact that he's a rigid marxist.

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