Monday, June 21, 2010

Let's "deem" their butts out of office

Pazzo Pelosi and Sad Sack Harry Reid were apparently so caught up in the blood sport of shoving socialized medicine down the throats of the more intelligent resisters in congress that they forgot all about a budget. This is the first congress in decades that hasn't passed a budget.

Pazzo announced early on that this congress wouldn't be passing more any more big spending bills - having dumped generations of hopeless debt upon us through socialized medicine -- and apparently congress just never took up the matter at all.

But now, gee shucks, as the election approaches, the dumbasses in congress want to spend some money. The Stimulus isn't working, you see. All those fabulous high-paying jobs were supposed to be kicking in right about now, but alas! We're all still broke and standing in unemployment lines.

What the heck went wrong?

Maybe Pazzo and Sad Sack are brainless idiots. Think that might have something to do with it?

At any rate, now they don't have a budget. Under the law (if anyone cares about the law) congress can't spend money they haven't allocated. The US Constitution and more than 200 years of tradition make that pretty clear.

What to do?

I know, Pazzo said, a wayward strand of hair sticking to her Botox lipstick, let's "deem" a budget!

Remember, "deeming" was what they were going to do with the socialized medicine bill to pass it without a vote, since no congresscritter in their right mind (socialists excluded, note) would vote for it.

Now they want to "deem" a budget. Let's just pretend we have a budget so we can spend some more money we don't have.

Why don't we "deem" a congress with even the faintest glimmer of intelligence and "deem" the rest of them (that would be the vast majority) into a black hole near the nebula in Orion's belt. That might work.

Save the republic.

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