Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The real disaster is in the White House

Well, the Comrade is going on TV tonight to spew his marxist b.s. At the same time on History Channel, they're re-running an episode of Ancient Astronauts. Guess what I'll be watching?

If you look at the Gulf Oil Disaster, it has two parts:  the underwater leak itself; the massive oil slick on the surface of the water.

BP may be the only people in the world who can cut off the leak somehow. Since rabid (and misguided) enviro-fanatics compelled only deep-water drilling, only very few organizations have the expertise to manage it. However, the massive oil slick polluting the Gulf of Mexico is another matter.  That could have and should have been contained and cleaned up before it spread so far.

The world has the capabilities and the technology to clean up these kinds of spills. Apparently the Dutch offered to help -- and they have some kind of very specialized ships and crews who've done this kind of thing before and apparently make a living at it. They offered to help. The Comrade turned them down because the clean-up ships aren't manned by UAW and SEIU workers or other members of US labor unions. Don't want to piss off Andy Stern, after all. Better to destroy the fishing and tourist industries of the Gulf states.

Apart from the Dutch ships, the US Army Corps of Engineers suggested throwing up a sand bar to stop the oil before it hit the marshy delta where the Mississippi River runs into the Gulf. They couldn't create an impact statement and get it approved by the EPA before the oil began killing pelicans and other wildlife, and generally destroying the wetlands. Carol Browner-n-browner is "in control" and not allowing any plans to save the Gulf states.

This is another place where the Comrade could have helped -- the EPA, after all, is part of the executive branch. He's the ultimate boss of the EPA. He could have told Browner-n-browner to resign. But wasn't she an executive with the Socialist International or something? So we see where the Comrade's allegiance lies. (And lies and lies....)

But no, the Comrade was playing golf and entertaining athletes, and in his spare time, he could only look for someone else's ass to kick in regard to the Gulf oil spill. Don't DO anything, just find someone else to blame, which has been White House policy so far on every issue.

By comparison, George W. Bush is looking like an absolute superman for his quick and compassionate response to Hurricane Katrina.

I suspect that the Comrade's speech tonight will address "fat cats" who the Comrade believes are making out like bandits on the Gulf oil spill. Personally, I can't figure out how any capitalist could possibly make money off of this. So the Comrade will likely just paint BP executives as slavering demons who only want to ruin human life.

The Comrade ought to know about those kinds of folks, since he's one of them. Not that he's an  executive by any stretch of the imagination, but he apparently is a slavering demon devoted to ruining human life.

He and Ram Emanuel probably are just manipulating this whole tragic situation in hopes of getting crap-n-tax through congress.

And dem congresscritters are just stupid enough -- maybe -- to grab at the opportunity to paste the blame for this mess on Someone Else and go along with this dictatorial and truly frightening piece of shit legislation. "Let's take away all the peoples' freedom and clean out their bank accounts. Then we won't have any more oil spills." This can only make sense to the blockheads in congress.

But if dem congresscritters believe voting for crap-n-tax is going to get them re-elected, they really need to think again. Or maybe they figure they're totally doomed anyway -- after all, the fools already violated the public trust with socialized medicine. They can't expect any help from the Comrade for their campaigns -- so far, the Comrade's endorsement has been the kiss of death for the politicians he's supported. So perhaps they figure, Hey, I've shot myself through the foot anyway, I might just as well take the rest of the country down with me.

Either that or they're just stupid.

Or both.

In any case, the USA is going down.

I'm going to die soon. I'm pretty old and I smoke cigarettes. And I will keep smoking if it will kill me any quicker. I don't want to have to watch this crap. I'd rather just be dead.

So, all this is just more reason to "throw the bums out," but it may be too late. And heaven knows, the generation coming up now, who've been raised on all this marxist bullshit, won't miss the freedom they've never had. They'll just become embittered adults, looking for someone else to blame for the futility and pointlessness of their lives.

I kinda feel sorry for them, but then, look who they voted for. Karma, no? Whatever goes around unfortunately comes around. Just no way around it.

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