Monday, June 28, 2010

We aren't the world

Well, lot's going on, I guess. McChrystal fired and Patraeus will take his place in Afghanistan.

The oil spill keeps on a-pumping crude into the Gulf.

The Comrade got to play "Master of the Universe" at a G20 meeting in Toronto over the weekend. All the usual buttheads showed up, breaking windows, setting fire to cars, destroying everything around them -- and that was just the heads of state.

Actually, I found it interesting that the leaders of the developed world totally disagreed with the Comrade about continuing to pour good money after bad into "stiumulus." They basically told him he must be a raving lunatic. Angela Merkl should know a bit about this, given the unforgettable hypyer-hyper-inflation that destroyed Germany after WWI and paved the road for Hitler. Germany has been very careful about this ever since. Really good book on the subject: "Before the Deluge." Also a good read. Picture Otto Klemperer, Werner (Hogan's Heroes) Klemperer's father. (Or I could have that backwards.) He was symphony conductor, wheeling home a wheel barrow full of cash one evening after a rehearsal. He didn't want to buy a sausage and didn't really need it, but figured he might as well -- since the wheel barrow full of notes would pay for it, and tomorrow it would cost twice as much. Something to ponder.

The Comrade had to kiss some ass among third world nations to find support for his destructive and misguided economic policies. So, there he goes again, buddying up to dwarf-monkey-looking Hugo Chavez and anyone else who's proclaimed a mission to destroy the USA and free enterprise. The Comrade makes friends for us everywhere he goes, n'est-ce pas?

And doesn't that tell you something?

Elena Kagan hearings start today for her appointment to Supreme Court.

Listened to just a little piece of that, until Dick(head) Durbin, senator from Illinois, started talking about a case known as "Citizens United." Not familiar with it, but sounds like it must have been some socialist thing..... I mean, "Citizens United." The very name indicates a group swathing itself in the leftist sanctimonial holiness of street level political organizing. Otherwise known as "Astro-turf." 'Course, I could be wrong.

Anyway, citing this case, Dick(head) Durbin was yammering on and on -- as only a politician can -- about how Justice Roberts or someone "totally ignored the will of congress" and "totally ignored the will of the people."

Coming from Durbin, that made me gag. First of all, let's not confuse the will of the people with the will of congress -- certainly NOT in regard to the sitting congress, which enjoys a barely 20% public approval rating and is still trying to sell us socialized medicine -- something no one wants or ever wanted, except the buttheads on the far left, a tiny, tiny minority given to bribery, blackmail, and slander.

Second. Dick(head) himself seems to have no objection whatsoever to "ignoring the will of the people" when it supports his party's power grabs. Dick(head) has demonstrated absolutely no regard whatsoever even for the Constitution. To my mind, he's sort of Extortionist-in-Chief, second only to maybe Sad Sack Reid and Thomas Dudd, who's more of a bribee than a bribor, really. Never met a dollar he didn't like.

Oh... this congress passed that hideous bill to natioinalize commercial and consumer credit in the US. Dudd wept. He's such a truly monumental asshole. And so totally corrupt, he sincerely believes that it's his public duty, and only polite, to accept all the gifts people shower upon him. He knows better than to even attempt to run again. He surely doesn't want to be investigated.

And too bad Dick(head) Durbin's not up for re-election this year. Best we can do is return him into an insignificant back-bencher in November, along with Pelosi. Reid will be gone, but if he's smart, he won't go back to Nevada, which no longer loves him.

Save the republic.

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