Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gag me with a federal bill

I really have other things to do, but got caught up on YouTube looking at stuff.

Some interesting stuff. Go look at what's happening -- I mean really happening -- on the US-Mexican border. For a couple years now, Mexican police and military have been assisting drug traffickers to cross the border. No doubt they're handsomely paid. Some people say, "Oh, it's not the real police and military, it's just drug dealers dressed up like police and military." And armed like police and military, including flying Mexican Navy helicopters....

That butthead Guttierez from District 12 Chicago was on Greta Van Susteren tonight smiling up in her face, wagging his tail, licking her hand, talking about how can you blame people from a poor country trying to break into a rich one? I'll hop in the Dodge and drive down, break into his house. See how he likes it.

He's all impressed about an 800-page immigration reform bill. I mean, it's 800 pages!!! Aren't you impressed? Greta wasn't. I wasn't either. I could feel my dinner coming back up. And I'm sure this is what the Comrade will be pushing in his upcoming speech. "We don't need no steenking borders...."

And the response from the federal government to all this? Put up signs warning the public to avoid the lands (mainly the Coronado National Forest) near the border with Mexico. Perhaps a white flag would be more effective:  "You win, Mexican drug cartel! You can have this part of the USA. We're too chicken-shit and too busy promoting our communist agenda to defend our borders."

So I was looking at Arizona and Texas videos on YouTube, and came across House Minority Leader John Boehner addressing the House last year about the crap-n-tax bill. That's another steaming pile of shit. Did you know that hundreds of pages in the crap-n-tax bill regulate your house? For example:

*  All new homes would have to be built to California codes. I've seen some California homes I wouldn't care to live in, and certainly they wouldn't do in Chicago. We don't have earthquakes. We get snow.

* The Secretary of the Dept. of Energy has the power to dictate rules and regulations for groups like homeowners' associations. Not just for condos, for any homeowners.

*  You would have to bring your home up to some kind of new code of energy efficiency before you could sell it, and it would have to be inspected and approved by three "officials", including a health inspector, before you could sell it. Boehner made the point that in some small towns in his district, there are no public employees, no code inspectors, no health inspectors, etc. I suppose they'd have to be hired and trained?

*  If you decide to do a rehab, you have to have energy inspections before and after to prove how much energy savings you've rehabbed into it.

*  Oh, and lots of toys and treats for Freddie and Fannie. They will completely control the mortgage market in terms of not allowing loans unless a home has been inspected and comes up to energy efficiency standards.

*  And in anticipation of the millions of jobs that will be lost, there is even a provision in the bill to give the unemployed extended benefits.

*  The Secretary of Energy is allowed XX amount of money for grants to colleges and the like to study why citizens will hate the m-fing federal government and its energy policies, and the horse it rode in on, and maybe come up with some suggestions to modify their behavior.

*  Oh, and any new home will have to have an electrical outlet near the place where the family care is normally parked. For re-charging, you know? So in your job search, find a place that you can drive to in your golf cart.

And lots and lots more. I didn't have time to listen to the whole thing. And Boehner was only talking about a 300-page amendment to the bill, not the bill itself. The regulation is minute and detailed. Just leave your keys with one or another inspector when you head for work in the morning, if you can find work. They'll leave you a checklist of how many thousands of dollars more you'll have to pour into your home to make is allergen-free and energy efficient, according to the Secretary of Energy and the EPA.

Steel will cost 30% to 40% more made in the USA, for starters. Companies will get grants to move their manufacturing overseas. I'm not kidding. Wonder if the UAW is aware of that?

I wish I could write down how infuriating this all is. And Mr. Shit-for-Brains Henry Waxman, sponsor and author of this pile of crap, complained that Boehner was just going on and on.... keeping everyone tied up in the chamber. Apparently Waxman doesn't want to actually review all the bullshit he's trying to dump on the American public. And if I were him, I'd be actually embarrassed that my control-freak mania was being so publicly revealed. He must be a genuine, certifiable nut-job. Let's attribute it to a Napoleon complex, since Waxman's only about 3'5" or so. If you look real close, you can see he sits on two or three phone books to his desk.

But I started thinking about priorities. Like, look at what these damnfools are doing, and then look at the real world. Do you see any correlation whatsoever? Are they addressing the nation's real problems? No. So what are their priorities? They're like those people in game shows who get locked in a glass booth and then money rains down on them. They get to keep all the money they can grab.

Only with these shit-for-brains dems, it's power, not money. They want to run our lives. They want to run every tiny detail of our lives.

That's not even funny, you know. That's psychotic, and dangerously psychotic. Rapists and serial killers have the same kind of twist. I mean, the Green River killer talked about how he kept his corpses in groups of four to five so he could "control" them. If these politicians weren't in congress, they'd probably be accumulating their own similar groupings.

We really do need to dump these wingnuts.

Save the republic.

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