Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And who guards the guards?

Right in the middle of paying work so this will be brief. I really wanted to write about the debate among the Republicans running in the New Hampshire primary, but I'll save that for later.

What caught my attention was a couple things. both related to the Comrade's Justice Dept. -- that's Eric Holder in charge, for those who don't keep track of these things. Eric Holder, who comes from a law firm that defended muslim terrorists. Eric Holder, who thought it was OK for the New Black Panthers to terrorize white people and prevent them from entering a polling place in Philadelphia. Eric Holder, who's proven to be an all-round, all-purpose, knee-jerk butthead incapable of rational thought.

Anyway, in an incident that was leaked by people inside the DoJ, it seems that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms -- yes, those fine folks who torched David Koresh and the compound in Waco, Texas a decade ago -- the BATF hatched this terrific idea to try to identify Mexican drug lords.

The plan was simple: Let's sell the Mexican drug gangs 4,700 high-powered automatic rifles, equipped with serial numbers, so that we can track their movements and see where they end up. Yes. The BATF actually has a guy on tape, an agent for the Mexican drug gangs, buying these weapons in the USA, and with the BATF's blessings.

And one of these weapons was used to kill US border guard Brian Terry. So I guess they were able to find out where it went.

And the thing is, the BATF hasn't been able to track too many other of these weapons. They're just at work in Mexico, and possibly along our southern border, protecting the Mexican drug traffic.

And the Comrade had the nerve to suggest that it's US gun manufacturers and dealers who are responsible for the violence on the border for making and selling guns to Mexican gangs.

Yeah, right. Who is it exactly who's selling these weapons to the Mexican drug gangs?

In a separate story, the FBI is giving itself more powers to snoop into your garbage, through databases of all kinds and everyplace else to gather information about US citizens, among others. They're relaxing the rules for wiretaps and don't even need to ask for permission or open a file. FBI agents can just riffle through any old documents they want -- and not necessarily your documents, but any information that might include records of interaction with you.

Because terrorist cells can be small and hunting them down is more and more complex.

So on the one hand, we have DoJ selling really dangerous weapons to really dangerous people; and on the other, these same stupid blockheads have leave to violate your privacy any old time they want for any old reason they can fabricate.

What the hell's wrong with this picture?

We need to dump this regime ASAP. They're armed and dangerous. This is a truly frightening slippery slope.

Save the Republic.

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