Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Republican field -- no more of "the same old same old"

Well, you know I'd heard so much about the heretofore invisible John Huntsman as a likely Republican candidate for president in 2012 that I looked him up. Read up on his record, sat through a couple speeches and comments of him on YouTube. He's very polished.

A commentator on Fox once said, "If you had a box marked 'President of the United States' and opened it up, you'd probably pull out Mitt Romney." Same can be said for Huntsman. They've read Emily Post.

But now I just saw some woman on Cavuto who raised $1.2 million or something like that for Huntsman last night. She used to be a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, and just drooled vague very honeyed things about Huntsman.

He's supposed to be "taking the high road" in his campaign, or focusing on indefinite an lumpy dream-things like "I just love America," without articulating any particulars on any issues.

I'm sorry. That's how the Comrade was elected. Just not good enough.

And the fact that a Clintonite is backing Huntsman just sort of sends chills up my spine. I mean, the same way photos of Auschwitz does, not in the Chris Mathews sense.

For my money, right now, I like Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry.

This might change, of course, and Perry's not even in the race. But I don't' want some mealy-mouthed slippery fish pronouncing platitudes and vague promises. No, I'm looking for a candidate with some balls. And Bachmann's got more than probably 85% of the men currently in office anywhere in the USA.

I just find it strange that Huntsman seems to have the Imprimatur of the democrats. The democrtas WANT to run the Comrade against Huntsman, probably because Huntsman isn't likely to call out the Comrade as a brainless idiot with nothing but failed policies behind him, spreading misery and despair everywhere he goes, destroying the one nation in the world that understands human freedom and has always defended it. Huntsman will just focus on some kind of pie-in-the-sky glory-to-come, and maybe rattle off some wonderful Mandarin proverbs to prove his point. And Republicans are supposed to embrace him?

I don't know, somehow that just doesn't work for me. I want to know what he's actually going to DO. I want to see him so outraged at the destruction of America that the veins stand out in his forehead. I want to see the bare knuckles, know what I mean?

Just sick of all the hope and change bullshit. And I don't really care about polite. Obviously.

Save the Republic.

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