Monday, June 6, 2011

Washington DC: Hollywood, for ugly people

I think the whole "Anthony's Weiner" issue -- as Mark Steyn calls it -- is stupid and rather pathetic.

One pundit or another many years ago described Washington, DC, as "Hollywood, for ugly people." Yeah. In more ways than one.

So many different ways to look at this. And it's not just Weiner. There was another NY House member  who wasn't in office two weeks before he was advertising himself online, naked to the waist, looking for dates. He was also married. And a Republican. The recent special election in Upstate New York was to replace that clown, who resigned. I don't even remember his name. He wasn't around long enough.

Please help me to understand. Is it like, "I can't wait until I get elected so I can display all my private parts on the Internet." Is that it? What did Weiner's campaign posters look like? I can just imagine.

Are these guy just having a hard time spending two or three days at a time away from their wives? How neurotic can you get? It's like those people with cell phones surgically attached to their ears, permanently tethered and stroked and reassured by people who apparently love them.

I mean, you can't go to the store by yourself? Nobody will hurt you. ('Course, who am I to say? They could be in the FBI Witness Protection Program.)

And then we have the grandaddy of all the public sex scandals: Bill Can't-keep-it-zipped Clinton. He wasn't even away from his wife. He was on the phone with other government authorities and such while ol' Monica was on her knees under his desk.

And note, I said "public" scandals. Because apparently this is nothing new. It's just that in the past, the press wouldn't talk about it. Like the sainted John Kennedy was supposed to be sneaking a German whore and known KGB double agent into the White House for occasional romps. The Secret Service has claimed the whole situation gave them nightmares. It seems JFK liked flirting with death and danger.

And where was Jackie? Trying to match the upholstery to the the wallpaper?

And Weiner is not resigning. Gee golly, he's sorry. He did a dumb thing. We'll have to leave it up to the Hassids and others in his district to decide how long Weiner remains in congress.

I also suspect there's more than a hint of some kind of exhibitionism driving this. I mean, if Weiner truly didn't want the world to know it was him, one of the dumbest things he did was to say he wasn't sure if the photo was of him or not. Don't know if you've seen the photo, but imagine a camera is just under your chin and pointed down at your underwear. And thank heavens he is wearing underwear.

I couldn't figure out how someone could take a photo like that without Weiner knowing about it. I mean, what did the photographer do, sneak in while he was sleeping? Or maybe Weiner just plays some peculiar games with his budds, like that one very strange congresscritter -- also from the East Coast, also married, also resigned, and I don't remember his name -- who used to have "tickle fights" with his male staff during slumber parties in his congressional office. Good grief. Where do these people come from?

But let's look at the Bigger Picture.

These are the guys who are making the rules for the rest of us. And not rules like, "Don't drive 85 mph on the side streets." Rules like, "You will be fined and imprisoned if you refuse to change your light bulbs." They want to send people in to inspect the "green-ness" of our houses before we put them up for sale. Do you want these people in your house?

Any wonder why things are so screwed up? Literally.

What's next? Maybe we'll all be compelled to send snaps of our naked selves to our Twitter pals. And actually, I think Twitter itself is pretty stupid. No offense, but frankly, I don't care what you're doing right now.

Save the Republic.

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