Saturday, June 4, 2011

Things break and you can't fix them

AFter mentioning Detroit in my last blog, I looked up a bunch of stuff about Detroit (looking for a certain review that I never did find), including lots of photos from a book that came out a while back called Ruins of Detroit, by Yves Marchand. Just Google it. It's a nightmare.

I look at the wreck of Detroit and conjure the wreck of this whole nation. And there's no way around it, it's the fault of those who believe in Big Government, Big Unions with Big Benefits, Big Taxes.

Listened to the Medicare debate between Paul Ryan and something-or-other Van Hollen. One of Pazzo Pelosi's lapdogs. Very different points of view. Van Hollen says that if there is a shortfall in Medicare, the government must collect more revenue -- raise taxes.

When you raise taxes, you often get LESS revenue, because you take away the ability of individual producers -- corporate or otherwise -- to make any money. You take away their ability to make money and you also take away their willingness to make money. No one wants to work if you can't keep what you earn. That's called "slavery."

That's why times like these are referred as "depressions." No hope. No future. No point in doing much of anything. You spend most of your time figuring out where your next meal is coming from. The democrats just don't get that. They tie your hands and then they can't figure out why you're not working. They'll likely kick you a few times, bang your head against the wall to get you restarted.

So they drive around in limos and make very stupid and irrelevant speeches and feel good about themselves. (Like Slappy Biden, cheering on the guy, "Hey, stand up! Let us see you!" to a guy in a wheelchair. Typical of Slappy. What a freaking dolt.)

THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T PRODUCE OR CREATE ANYTHING. Everything the government "owns" it takes from citizens. Government doesn't have any factories. Doesn't operate any for-profit stores. Doesn't generate any income at all. It has no means to do so. It's an expense, not an investment.

All government does is make laws and spend money. That's it.

All the little knuckleheads in college right now are being spoon-fed this crap that "profits are bad." Business is greedy and bad. Therefore, their marxist professors (who've never worked in the private sector or met a payroll) believe that you've got to have government to run everything not-for-profit. That was one of the big arguments in favor of Obamacare -- take away the profits from the insurance companies and you'd save tons of money. Like government doesn't cost anything? Like the government has some source of income -- apart from collecting taxes -- to fund healthcare? What bullshit. Tell me, please, where ELSE does the government get any money, except from us?

Profits are the grease that inspires productivity. Profits fund growth. Profits are what's left over after all the bills are paid. For most people, it means you can sleep instead of staring at the ceiling all night, trying to think how to pay your mortgage. It means you can take a day off work or even a vacation. Most businesses re-invest most of their profits into expansion and growth. Profits are  joyful.

If you have no profits, you have depression. If you have no profits, eventually you lose your existing assets, too, because things break -- like the buildings in Detroit -- and you can't afford to fix or replace them. You just scrape along, running on less and less, until there's nothing left but the ruins.

You like living on 50-cents-a-box macaroni and cheese? (Like you could afford cheese. What am I thinking?)

Get used to it.

Or.... dump these socialist jerks and...

Save the Republic

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