Thursday, June 23, 2011

USA as the Comrade's sandbox?

The Comrade just announced that he's releasing millions of gallons of oil from the USA's reserves.

Hey, asshole, have you noticed, the price is GOING DOWN?

Like, where the hell where you last month this time? Kissing ass in Europe? Taking advantage of all those travel perks before your sorry ass hits the pavement in January, 2013?

Clearly this stupid butthead took a look at the polls and now hopes he can increase his popularity by bleeding away our emergency resources. Doesn't matter if/when the population takes the hits, but mess with the Comrade's poll numbers and it's no holds barred, full speed ahead. He will destroy this nation and leech out any remaining resources -- if he thinks he can hold on to his little job.

'Course he has created such an economic environment in the USA, and developed such a piss-poor reputation for himself, that if he loses the White House, the asshole probably will never work again. Oh, maybe a few speaking engagements in front of the labor unions or at Van Jones' little commie enclaves here and there. But otherwise....

This is very dangerous. But the Comrade is such a monumental blockhead, apparently he doesn't recognize the difference between the nation's interests and his own personal campaign "emergencies."

And here's another tactic. A key congressional committee has been discussing for months how to design a budget. The key problem with the economy being, clearly, NOT A PROBLEM OF INCOME, BUT OF SPENDING, even Dickhead Durbin, who really is a brainless hack, was calling for spending cuts yesterday.

But today, the dems in the committee announced they will not negotiate any agreement without tax increases. So Eric Cantor and other Republicans got up and walked out. Please note, the current Republican House majority was elected primarily to cut spending and taxes. The dems don't have any kind of mandate like that at all. They're just little mindless puppets dancing on the end of strings held by the Comrade and Pelosi.

Some certified moron named Don Gerstein was just on Fox babbling about how the Republicans are "playing politics." So this is the latest gimmick, enhancing the Saul Alinsky play book. It's not the dems fucking up the nation with their games of Capture the Flag, it's the Republicans. Yeah sure. Does anyone seriously believe this addle-brained dimwit?

And so the dems are back to "Tax the rich." Which just isn't going to fly, fools.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, stood up and begged the Comrade to display some leadership in all this. Nice try, Mitch, but not a chance.

The Comrade doesn't make decisions. He couldn't even decide how to vote on zoning laws and highway reconstruction projects when he was in Illinois, and it's interesting to note his judgment hasn't got any better since he moved into the White House.

The thing is, as the Comrade sees it, you've got to avoid being accountable for ANYTHING. Let someone else do. If it's successful, rush up to the cameras and get your face all over to claim the credit. If it fails -- well he was playing golf. He didn't have a damn thing to do with it. It's all George Bush's fault.

This person, the Comrade, is such a damn fool it almost boggles the mind. And his manipulation and game-playing is so ham-handed and obvious it makes you wonder where his ol' boys David Fluff and Axelrod are. 'Course, apparently Axelrod knew when it time to cut and run.

So go ahead, you silly dem (like dumb) clowns -- trash the USA as you flail around desperately hoping to find a following. Everything the dems are doing right now only makes things worse. And don't think we, the electorate, don't know it. You forget, we have to pay for all your silly bullshit, while you just sit on your fat asses inside the Beltway and spin your nasty schemes.

I'm just hoping the USA can survive long enough to get these blockheads out of office. We just can't afford this bullshit.

Anything in all of this could inspire a charge of impeachment? Look real hard, please, you constitutional lawyers.

Save the Republic.

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