Thursday, June 2, 2011

Comrade: "I've done nothing..."

I find it interesting that -- what's that guy's name, the one who apparently set Robert Gibb up as a role model, and now stutters and bumbles around like a dolt, as though that's the way press secretaries are supposed to act... What's his name? Jay Carney(barker?) He's in a very uncomfortable position.

Apparently Mitt Romney, among others, has been pointing out that even if the Comrade didn't create the recession, he has done everything in his power to extend it. Not a particularly subtle observation. I think the whole country knows that. But now this Jay Carneybarker character has to stand up in front of news reporters and try to explain exactly why it is that the Comrade has had absolutely nothing to do with this economic disaster.

So short and sweet, here's the question: If the Comrade bears no responsibility for all this socialist bullshit that is collapsing the greatest economic powerhouse the human race has ever known -- then exactly what the hell has the Comrade been doing for the last few years?

Well, he plays golf. He's taken a couple global family vacations. Hmmm.... what else?

Save the Republic

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