Monday, December 7, 2009

Dumb and Dumber

What's that old joke about Democrats being stupid enough to waste the nation's treasure, and the Republicans even more stupid for helping them find ways to pay for it? I'm not stating it correctly, or in a humorous way. Anyway, it really isn't funny anymore.

Oh... The Democrats are dedicated to pie-in-the-sky tax-and-spend legislation to ruin the nation, and the Republicans are dedicated to helping them make it work.

Somehow it's still not funny.

Been listening to the news intermittently, when there's nothing else on. And if there's anything more barren and depressing than the American government right now, it's TV programming. At any rate, apparently Bill O'Reilly wants a national sales tax to pay for the $12 TRILLION national debt, and Glenn Beck is stumping for a V.A.T. to do the same. Proving that these guys really don't know much about politics or economics. (And I'm almost done with Glenn Beck. His show is becoming nothing but paid promotional programming for his various books and live shows.)

Given the minus-level IQ's of those in congress, do you really think any additional revenues that come to the goverment will be spent to pay down the debt? No, Pazzo Pelosi and the Comrade's Merry Marxists would be jumping up and down with glee and clapping their hands, saliva dripping from their lolling tongues, as they busily contrived some new way to spend it.

We'll all need a complete inventory of Barbie Dolls or gold-plated alien-radio-signal-blocking helmets. They'll argue it's all necessary for the health and well-being of the nation, and that it will save money in the long run.

These people are terminally stupid. Just accept it. Don't give them any more money.

A friend of mine once dated a guy who came into an $80,000.00 inheritance from his father's death. He himself was dead in six months from alcoholic poisoning. The money only enabled his alcoholism and self-destructiveness.

Don't give these jerks any more money. In fact, I'd be happy to make a case for a tax revolt. Unless you have money coming back, don't file and don't pay. They can't arrest all of us. They wouldn't have the money to build the jails to hold us all.

That may be the only thing these idiots understand. But then, probably not. They've proven themselves so incredibly dense, I don't think there's any hope for them at all. So don't file, don't pay, because you'll need the money you earned to keep yourself and your kids alive -- and survival of the non-government-employed population is not an issue congress cares much about. We're all on our own on that one.

In other news: Tiger Woods caught cheating on his wife. Does anyone really care?

Gate crashers at a White House dinner. Well, the White House invited Iranians over for a 4th of July barbecue. If they don't give a damn about their own security, why should I? Matter of fact.... Oh well, I won't go there.

They had a "Job Fair" or something like that in DC this week. A photo op of the Comrade looking concerned. They didn't invite any business people. The current administration really is in so far over their heads. How stupid can they really be? Wait until next week and I'll report on the new low.

I tried very hard to watch all the episodes of "The Prisoner," the miniseries that was sort of a remake of the old British show with Patrick McGoohan. In the old show, the Prisoner was trapped forever at something like a silly Brighton Holiday Resort. In the remake, looked like everyone was stranded in Saudi Arabia.

The show seemed like it might be interesting. I mean, here's a bunch of people all denying their history, out in the middle of nowhere, all acting happy as unflappable little clams all the time. Only there's this undercurrent of discontent. Some people have "memories" of someplace else and another time away from The Village.

Sounded to me like fertile fodder for a parody on the current administration. Or at least a cautionary tale about believing in Utopia. Like, have you ever really thought about the dead tedium of someplace like what John Lennon describes in "Imagine"? No one with any reason for living, no need to earn money, no conflict of any kind. So what do you do? Stay stoned and have exotic sex. That seemed to be Lennon's recommendation. Sounds kinda boring to me.

Anyway, "The Prisoner" appeared to have some potential. But no, it all sort of degenerated into unintelligible drivel about how the whole Village was all just an idea in some woman's mind. And her husband kept her stoned into unconciousness all the time. Somehow, The Village needed her -- or someone -- to be stoned into unconciousness all the time. Maybe John Lennon wrote it.

And all the trouble started when the main character resigned from a giant corporation of some kind. Sort of weird. I mean, sort of mixed signals. Big corporations have been stock Hollywood Bad Guys since the collapse of the USSR. But in "The Prisoner," it was always The Village that was the antagonist. At least in the original, which I thought was a true parody on the Labour Party's socialist England. The original only had 16 episodes, if that. I mean, there's only so many ways you can try to escape from a resort and fail. Then it gets very predictable.

So, "The Prisoner" remake ended up being a really bizarre mishmash of stuff. Sort of a badly-written sci-fi version of "The Firm." Always seemed about 12 different story lines unfolding at the same time, but not necessarily in any kind of logical sequence. And as far as I know, they never did explain the sink holes. You'd think someone, especially someone who wanted to escape, would at least explore one of those sink holes, don't you? Might have livened things up a bit.

I kept falling asleep through it. Yeah -- the mood was so thick, the plot had barely enough energy to move at all. If there was a plot. Still not sure about that.

Anyway, I've had some work lately, and there hasn't been anything on TV but the Washington Stooges, as usual.

Thank heavens for music. Listened for four hours last night to a radio station from Milwaukee that played all Christmas Carols, all the time! Bing Crosby, lots of Dean Martin and Johnny Mathis. Andy Williams. Even Ella Fitzgerald. It was nice, reminiscent of living in a civilized country. We get so little of that anymore.

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