Thursday, December 10, 2009

He should get the prize for hypocrisy, too

Watched much of the Comrade's speech in Norway. Even the commentators on Fox seemed to like it. They didn't notice, but I did, that that was the first speech the Magic Marxist has made where he mentioned the USA and pride in the same sentence.

Maybe he's coming along.

On the other hand, what really bowled me over was the monumental hypocrisy in that speech:
  • He talks about peace being built on a foundation of individual rights, while he's destroying individual rights in the USA.
  • He mentioned "people marching in the streets of Iran" as heroic; but blew off the two million who marched in the streets of Washington DC on Sept. 12.
  • He talks about democracy while wielding the EPA like a club to bully congress into adopting a useless and destructive crap-and-tax scheme to enrich his socialist tree-hugger pals.
  • He would not know "justice" if it sneaked up and bit him in the ass.
And the Comrade now is apparently off to Copenhagen, to sell the USA down the river in the name of a fraudulent conspiracy.

Hey guys, if the earth is getting warmer -- prove it!!

Where's your documentation?

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