Monday, December 21, 2009

"This is not legislation; this is corruption"

We've been treated to the disgusting spectacle today of the Comrade lying and lying again about how socialized medicine is going to cut expenses. In the unlikely chance that he is being honest, then he's the only person in America stupid enough to believe it.

The fact is, even going by the bogus numbers in the senate socialized medicine bill, taxes go up by $500 BILLION dollars over the next 10 years. More realistically, taxes will go up by more than $1 TRILLION over the next 10 years to pay for this bullshit -- and with the Medicare budget cut in half, reductions in the numbers of health care professionals, and rationing.

What a boon for American citizens, huh? Aren't you glad you voted for this marxist son of a bitch?

I've seen a half-dozen public polls about socialized medicine. They range from 54% to 61% public opposition to socialized medicine. According to other polls, 57% to 60% of Americans would prefer congress DO NOTHING about health care rather than adopt the socialized medicine bills.

So who the hell is congress working for? Decidedly NOT for the people who elected them.

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) noted, "This proces is not legislation; this process is corruption." Truer words were never spoken.

How did this piece of shit get through the senate? Well, Lieberman held out for a policy change. Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) were bought off -- famously so, and they're damn proud of it. "Whore" is too good a word for it. Whores are honest about the work they do. They don't pretend to be anything but whores. These dolts in the senate are liars as well as whores. Self-deluded if not downright sociopathic, like serial killers.

What a bunch of pigs, huh? And they're supposed to represent us. Anyone else find that insulting? I wouldn't want to get close enough to any of them to spit on them.

Do you want to donate $300 billion of your tax dollars to help Louisiana remain sucking on the public tit? How about Nebraska? They won't have to pay into the bullshit taxes that fund what McConnell (R-KY) calls this "train-wreck" bill.

Let's blow Nebraska off the map. They've never been anything but trouble, starting with John Brown in the 1850's. Let's do move Offut somewhere else. If Nebraska is getting all this federal welfare, they don't deserve an Air Force base, too, and frankly, I don't trust them with it. Maybe they'll corrupt the Air Force, too.

Of course, Nevada -- Harry Reid's home state -- also is getting some kind of exemption. And socialist Vermont. The corruption and pay-offs aren't limited to conservatives.

I suppose Reid was also offering peep shows and lap dances in that little back room in the Capitol where he cut his private deals. Hashish? Cocaine? Viagra? Sure, step right up! Anything your little heart desires! Just give us your vote.

This is probably the most disgusting display of political corruption I've ever seen -- and I've lived in one of the most corrupt states in the union all my life.

And to Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, and all you other political whores -- it's obvious by the polls that the people you represent people didn't want a payoff; they wanted you to spare them from socialized medicine.

So now we know exactly what kind of "hope" and "change" the Comrade stands for: slime, corruption, the destruction of politcal idealism, personal liberty, and everything the USA has ever stood for.

Told ya so. 

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