Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Waiting for the rest of the world to grow up

Apparently nothing has been happening in the world except that more islamo-terrorists are incompetently attacking the USA. Yawn....

Regarding what's-his-face, the Nigerian guy who tried to blow up a plane and only set his pants on fire.... It must be getting more and more difficult in the third world to find people with the wherewithall to light a match. I mean, is that hard? al-aqaeda (I'm not going to capitalize them anymore) must be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Must admit, when I heard the guy was related to a "Nigerian Banker," I just had to laugh. So does this mean I'll be getting fewer spam emails?

The Comrade took about 10 minutes off his vacation and said something about the terrorist -- only, shucks, he's not a terrorist, is he? -- about this wannabe creator of man-made disasters, and apparently also tried to support the Iranian protesters, who are demonstrating once again. This time, reports say that 15 people or so were killed in Iran. Only the Iranian government's story is that the dead were run over by cars. Or an elephant sat on them. Stuff like that.

So much for "unclenching the fist" and extending a friendly hand. And the Comrade was so kind to them, and even tried to get Europe on-board some kind of boycott to convince the Iranian mullahs that they don't need nuclear weapons.

Did that work, Comrade? What are you going to do now? Maybe time to cuddle up next to Israel, hey? If you haven't entirely severed that tie with your sympathy for the islamo-terrorists.

Somehow, this sounds like a replay of something George W. Bush went through about seven or eight years ago. Only now the Comrade gets to deal with it. Poor guy, he holds out an unclenched fist, and they put a lit grenade in it. Gee, life is tough. Especially when your philosophy is so far off the mark in terms of relating to real life and the genuine demons who only want to see you dead.

It occurs to me that Iran will be able to reach European capitols with their nuclear warheads a long time before they're able to reach the USA. So what is Europe doing about it?

Same as they always do: not much. I suppose they'll have a bunch of talks and then vote for more socialist freebies. Europe's role in the world is to let America take care of any problems and then bitch about the outcome. They can grow up or shut up.

And ya know, Comrade, we've got demonstrations in the USA, too, and you ignore them. Easy just to fly away, isn't it, instead of addressing the real problem? How's the surf?

I do believe more people are opposed to socialized medicine than voted for the Comrade. Something to think about.

In addition, tuned into Coast-to-coast AM tonight -- a radio show that usually talks about things like UFOs and Bigfoot -- only to hear some diatribe by a guy named Perkins who suggests that capitalism is the cause of all the problems in the world.

For a minute, I thought I was listening to Howard Dean.

Author Perkins noted that third world terrorists are absolutely desperate people just trying to make a living. The radio show host, Ian Punnett, pointed out that Osama Bin Laden actually was tremendously wealthy and not in any way desperate.

So Perkins started whining about people who sounded like Somali pirates, they're just trying to make a living -- and for their kids, too. (sniff-sniff) A lot of the Somali pirates are stoned off their butts all the time chewing "khat" and many are 14 or 15 years old. Somehow, I'm not buying Perkins' argument about their desperate and single-minded dedication to taking care of their infant dependents.

Perkins, in general, sounds like an apologist for the Comrade's State Department.

Anyway, I actually had a day off work today and slept all day. I'm not in a good mood. I've got to think up a way to make a living underground, so I get to keep some of the money.

Or maybe I should just get a little boat and attack the ships passing by on Lake Michigan. Let's see if Perkins will write about me.

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