Wednesday, December 9, 2009

EPA the new Hitler

Look, comparing the EPA to the Nazi Third Reich is no exaggeration. The EPA can do whatever it wants. They don't need no stinkin' congress. And with a half-wit Democrat majority in both houses, the congress can't even rein in the EPA. The stupid shits in congress probably applaud the EPA's ability to completely and entirely ignore the American public. I'm sure congress envies them for that.

The EPA is a collection of stupid sons of bitches who want US business and jobs to move to the 3td World. They are actively working toward that end.

The EPA says it's going to take a "command and control" approach to crippling the US economy through regulation and by pricing energy out of the market if congress won't act. It's a ploy from the Comrade and his collection of thugs to beat America back to the Stone age. If congress doesn't shit on the American public, the Comrade will just get the EPA to do it.

Where are the islamic terrorist bombers when you need them?

The EPA has yet to address the question -- much like the Comrade -- of who is going to pay for their perks after they finish laying to waste US industry. They don't care. Got that? They don't care if you starve and die, as long as they can preserve the snail darter -- which, by the way, is not now and never has been an endangered species.

Just another bunch of stupid blockheads. Add them to the list.

I'm beginning to suspect that one of the prerequisites to getting a job in government is that you be of subhuman intelligence and display a sociopathic personality disorder. Like Bill Clinton and the Comrade.

But go ahead. Grab all you can with both hands. Line us all up against the wall and shoot us down -- after we dig our own communal grave, that is. Isn't that how it's done usually? Dig a ditch, dump the bodies, sprinkle them with lime so they won't stink so bad while they rot. The government finally found a useful purpose for American citizens -- landfill.

That's what's left for the EPA to wield absolute power over.

Happy now?

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