Saturday, December 12, 2009

The new world order

I think I figured it out.... Anyone remember some time ago in Red China when Mao -- still alive -- sponsored some kind of renewal and commitment to his brand of totalitarian communism? Children were encouraged to rat out their parents if the parents spoke seditiously about freedom and rights at home. Many of the kids did do this. Their parents ended up in re-education camps, if they were allowed to live that long.

So in the US now, the Comrade and the Democrats are encouraging the quick deaths of everyone over 55. That is, they're reducing Medicare support for seniors, at the same time expanding the category of those who'll be stuck with Medicare.

The idea is to do away with anyone who remembers freedom, and to get rid of them as quickly as possible, before they poison the minds of innocent youth, who are naive enough to believe Santa Claus lives in the White House -- since that's been pounded into their brains since kindergarten.

Older people and, generally, "parents," tend to be authorities who can successfully compete with government. Are the kids going to listen to their parents, who love and care for them, or to the Comrade, who regards them as cannon fodder for a marxist state? Well, then, lets get rid of their parents. The USA is essentially too soft and civilized to go the route of Red China. Better strategy in the USA is to just let the elders die of neglect. As quickly as possible.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't argue in favor of Medicare. It is, after all, a huge, wasteful, and ultimately destructive government-run socialized medicine scheme. Like the misnamed "Social Security." However, over decades -- over the lifetimes of a couple generations now -- the government has appropriated the incomes of its citizens to underwrite this bullshit. These appropriated funds, poured down the rat-hole of socialized pensions and health care, could have been re-invested in private enterprise to assure a vibrant capitalist system and supply retired folks with a viable income. But they weren't. And the money's gone now. So the elderly are truly dependent on government aid and assistance.

Easy to dispose of them and the information they've collected, based on real-life experience over decades.

Isn't this what the Comrade's youth workers voted for, in their little red t-shirts with the hammer-and-sickle? Have any of them found jobs yet, by the way?

On another subject....

Watched Alford, the head of the Black Chamber of Commerce, on Glenn Beck. He was saying how even Conyers (D-Mich.) is beginning to question the Comrade.

Hey, black folks, don't you get it? Franklin Roosevelt recruited blacks as voters when he lost the rich with his communist schemes. FDR, and just about every Democrat since then, has regarded the black community as a blindly loyal source of support. Throw them a few bones -- AFDC and the Civil Rights Act -- and they'll be in your corner forever. The leadership doesn't expect and clearly doesn't want black folks to actually exercise their rights and their intellect. The leadership just wants blacks to support them in everything they do. And unfortunately, many blacks do.

I mean, look at Al Sharpton whining that Tiger Woods' whores are all white chicks. He urges Tiger and others like him to screw some black women, spread the wealth around to the black community. Hey, Al, ever consider that maybe black women have more self-respect?

Jesse Jackson is sort of a joke anymore. People have noticed that, although he's never had a real job, he's a friggin' millionnaire. Where did all that money come from? The so-called "charitable" organizations he worked with? How did it end up in his hands, instead of being applied to his social causes?

Michelle Obama helped the larger hospitals in Chicago to turn away poor blacks. She found some kind of loophole to allow the hospitals, which are located smack-dab in the middle of the black communities, to refuse to accept poor blacks in need of health care. They were sent down the street to over-burdened, badly-funded clinics (no doubt operated by groups like Jesse Jackson's Operation Push.)

Alford noted that the unions have always been racist and that many of the jobs created by the Stimulus Bill are going to white union labor imported from miles away from the work sites. A friend of mine, a white guy, was working for the USPS when black workers there decided to form their own union because the existing, largely white union, refused to accept them as members. My friend supported the black union and even joined the black union. The police found him beaten to death in his apartment. No one was ever arrested for it. The case was never investigated. It was regarded as a "suicide." Like those Freedom Riders in Mississippi? Is it really possible to crush your own skull?

So, let's get a black guy into the presidency, one who's so narcissistic, so ambitious and unprincipled he's willing to sell out other blacks. Well, there was a kid named Obama working for "social justice" on the South Side..... He's a dedicated marxist, doesn't care about color, except as a political tool -- in the typical Chicago style.

This is all so tragic.

All this socialist crap isn't helping anyone and isn't intended to help anyone. It's all to consolidate power in the hands of a few sociopaths -- as usual. It's a story repeated over and over again through human history. The USA was constructed through a conscious effort to ensure that this kind of abuse of power could never happen here. Well, it's happening here. And there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it. The totalitarians are using the limitations and other roadblocks built into the Constitution to preserve freedom -- they're using those provisions to empower themselves. Kinda like the way the islamic terrorists used American freedoms to hijack passenger planes and fly them into the World Trade Center. In America, anyone can get on a passenger plane. Anyone can run for office. And apparently anyone can win an office.

Will there be enough of the USA left to salvage next year? Even if the Democrats lose their majority in congress, the executive branch is right now so busily consolidating its own power -- look at the totalitarian EPA -- that congress will be irrelevant by then. In addition, the executive branch, with the Fed, has its own operating budget now, and seems to believe it can spend anyway it wants, with or without consent of congress. Matter of fact, congress is right now voting to give them another $1.1 TRILLION to play with.

So I ask you again, is this what you voted for? Is this what you want for the USA?

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